Health and PE

The following link will take you to Virginia's Department of Education Standards of Learning for Physical Education.

PE Unit Plans

Students are offered a variety of challenging activities with an emphasis on fitness for life. In middle school, health and physical education classes are offered every other day. Below you will find links to the PE Yearly Plans for each grade level.


Ironman Stingray Club

The Iron Stingray Club is an elite club of student athletes that have excelled in the national fitness tests.  If a student completes the required number of reps for each fitness test, they are entered into the "Ironman Stingray" club and will receive an Ironman Stingray t-shirt.  The student will have four official times in the school year to complete these tests.  The following is the required tests and rep quantities:


Push Ups

Curl Ups










Restricted Activity Guidelines

A student may be excused from physical activity by a parent or guardian for 3 consecutive PE blocks.  Students who bring a parent or guardian note excusing them from PE are still required to dress for physical education.

A doctors note must be presented to the physical education teacher for any absence for any period 3 consecutive PE blocks.

The doctor will be requested to complete a checklist of activities that the student may take part in while recovering from the illness or injury.  Please use the link below to print out a copy of the Loudoun County Restricted Activity Checklist.

Restricted Activity Checklist

Locker Room Expectations

Locker Room Expectations:

  • Cell phone usage and/or cameras are prohibited.  It is a "Red Zone".

  • Glass or spray containers of any kind are not allowed in the locker room.

  • Students may not spray perfume or cologne in locker room due to allergies of fellow classmates.

  • Backpacks and large bags are not permitted to be in the locker room.  All items must fit into the assigned PE locker.  

  • Food or gum is not allowed in the locker room. 

  • Students are expected to be in the locker room before the bell or will be considered Unexcused Tardy.  

  • Students will have 7 minutes to change.  Then they will be required to sit in front of their locker to indicate they have finished changing.  The teacher will dismiss them to the gymnasium.  

Health and Physical Education Resources

Kids Health - An excellent resource of various topics for kids and parents which contains advice on children's health, behavior, and growth - from before birth through the teen years. 

ChooseMyPlate - United States Department of Agriculture nutritional information.

Youth Sports Leagues

Information about Fall and Spring Sports Leagues for adults or students can be found at the following website: