Welcome to the Technology Home Page
We have a lot of great things incorporating technology at Sycolin Creek! Our 21st century students have many opportunities to collaborate, communincate, and create utilizing technology.
All students have been issued an LCPS ChromeBook to access online instruction and interact with online content.
Chromebook resources:
Syoclin Creek is very fortunate to be building a MakerSpace area to offer students different modes of learning and hands on opportunities. It is a work in progress, but so far we can't wait for our students to use all our wonderful inventory in our STEAM environment!
Coding and Technology
Code n Go Mice
Botley robots
Edison robots
Scratch and Scratch Jr
Snap Circuits and Snap Circuits Jr
Art and Creativity
Duct tape
Colored pencils
Sewing machine (needleless)
Keva planks
Zoob builders
Digital Literacy Program
Click to visit the Common Sense Media Site
(This site is full of informative resources and strives to "rate, educate, and advocate for kids, families, and schools")
Students in second, third, fourth, and fifth grades participate in a series of lessons related to Digital Literacy. We follow Common Sense Education's curriculum designed for elementary school grades. The lessons include activities and discussions to make the information appropriate and relevant. Students also engage in an enrichment activity either by creating in Wixie or Canva, playing a Digital Passport game (by Common Sense Education), or playing an Interland game (Google's Be Internet Awesome).
Students receive their instruction through our team of staff members; classroom teachers, Mrs. DiMagno in the library, Mrs. Pyle and Mrs. Robinson in guidance, and Ms. Miller in the C Lab.
We are excited to have these conversations with students to prepare for the present, and future, as digital citizens. Be sure to talk with your child about what he/ she has learned!
The topics that we covered include:
2nd Grade: Chromebooks and the Internet, Internet Safety
(Students created safety posters in Wixie to share what they learned about Internet Safety)
3rd Grade: Strong Passwords, Cyberbullying, Using Devices for Communication, Rings of Responsibility, and Is Seeing Believing
(Students changed their LCPS passwords, played the Digital Passport games Share Jumper and Twalkers, and edited themselves into photos in Wixie)
4th Grade: Cyberbullying, Plagiarism and Copyright, Privacy, and Email
(Students played the Digital Passport games Share Jumper and Mix-n-Mash, and created digital Internet safety posters in Canva)
5th Grade: Cyberbullying, Can You Believe It, Privacy, and Email
(Students played the Digital Passport game Share Jumper, Interland, and created a believable photo and clickbait title in Wixie)
Digital Citizenship Resources:
Common Sense Family Media Agreement
Common Sense Education’s Digital Passport Games – games to support digital citizenship lessons (in LCPS Go)
Be Internet Awesome – Google's Interland – games to support digital citizenship lessons (in LCPS Go)
Common Sense Media Site– Age based media reviews, parent resources to navigate all things digital
Family Engagement Tool Kit - Great tips, articles, and videos to support digital citizenship at home (Common Sense Education Site)
Our Digital Citizenship Vision:
As members of a digital society, we believe it is important to utilize technology in a responsible manner, to be positive digital creators and contributors, to communicate respectfully with one another online, and to always follow safe practices to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
Mrs. DiMagno added some Digital Citizenship books to our school's library collection.
Students are welcome to learn more by checking out these great reads!
Check out these family tip sheets designed by Common Sense Education about the digital citizenship topics we covered:
Below are some action shots during this year's Digital Citizenship Lesson