Hello! I’m Kristen Armitage, and this is my first year as Sycolin Creek's Parent Liaison.
As your parent liaison, I am dedicated to empowering you to become involved, stay informed, and play an active role in your child's education and school experience. My responsibilities as a parent liaison are to help facilitate parent-school communication, assist with community agency referrals, encourage parent involvement with the school, and promote higher student achievement through positive relationships between parents and school personnel.
If you need a little extra assistance/support, help with getting in touch with a teacher, to know more about the school and procedures, or would like to stop by for a tour of the school, please contact me at My Email..
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Visit the LCPS Registration Page to learn more!
Please contact our school attendance secretary/registrar with any questions.
Important 2023 dates:
2/1: Kindergarten Pre-registration for all incoming students
3/1: Kindergarten Registration Day
3/1-4/14: Registration window for Dual Language Immersion Lottery
Please contact us if you have any questions at 571-252-2910.
Health Office Information
Our school's health health specialist is Stephanie Dix. She works in the health office each day from 7:30am until 2:50pm. . If you have an urgent medical concern, please take your child to their personal physicial or a medical facility.