DE Course Information

DE Course Information

What is Dual Enrollment? 

When you take a DE class, you are:

  • Enrolled in two institutions: Woodgrove High School and a college (NVCC, Shenandoah, GMU, JMU), 

  • AND earning credits at both institutions. 

  • The class is taught at WHS by a WHS teacher. 

  • The registration process will vary based on the college's policies.

  • All DE classes are free! Free college credit!

Interested in a DE class with NVCC?

Necessary steps (use the DE Student Checklist & Registration Packet below to assist with steps):

  1. Apply to Northern Virginia Community College to obtain a NOVA ID and myNOVA username.

  2. Create your DualEnroll student profile online to activate your enrollment account by May 1, 2024.  

  3. Register for your DE courses through your online account and make sure you get parent/guardian permission in order for it to be approved by your school counselor. 

  4. Meet the qualifying placement scores and/or requisites for enrollment.  If you have any questions speak with your school counselor.

Students interested in taking a DE course through NVCC must meet eligibility requirements.  Students who do not have the minimum GPA will not be eligible.  Certain courses will have additional criteria to be eligible.

Transcript Requests: NVCC Transcript Request Process

Need Help with NVCC registration?


IT Help Desk

24 Hour Student Support Center

Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Transfer Guides*

These guides are meant to be used as a reference only.  For the most accurate information always be sure to check with your advisor. 

We also offer a handful of courses from area universities for interested students.  

Registration is handled by the WHS instructor in the fall.  

Students are responsible for requesting their official transcript be sent during the college application process.

Universities include:

George Mason University (GMU)

Shenandoah University (SU)

James Madison University (JMU)