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Our School Nurse

Sharilee "Shari" McQuillan, R.N., B.S.N.

Broad Run High School’s Registered Nurse is Shari McQuillan (E-mail Shari McQuillan).   Shari has been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years and has been a School Nurse for more than 10 years.  Her experience includes Clinical Consulting, Surgical and Critical Care Nursing. Shari works in the Clinic each day from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm.

School Clinical Personnel (Nurses) are not allowed to make medical diagnoses.  If you have an urgent medical concern, please take your child to their personal physician or a medical facility, and have your student provide a doctor's note upon their return to school.

If your child is absent due to illness for more than 3 consecutive days, please provide a doctor's note.

If you know in advance that your child will miss two or more days of school due to medical/dental appointments or a surgical procedure (including wisdom teeth removal), a Pre-Arranged Absence Form  must be completed PRIOR to the absence, and appropriate documentation provided.


Loudoun County offers a shortened format of the training called Rapid REVIVE! This version allows individuals to complete the training within 6 minutes. After watching a short Video and then providing contact information, participants receive free Naloxone Nasal Spray. This version is available anytime. No registration is required.

To start the training:

Rapid REVIVE! in English

Rapid REVIVE! in Spanish