SOL Resources
End-of-Course English SOL Resources
The EOC English SOLs are administered during a student's junior year and are a requirement in order to receive a standard diploma upon graduation from Loudoun County Public Schools. The EOC Writing SOL is in March and the EOC Reading SOL is in May. For information about both tests and/or to utilize the resource materials provided for your review, please click on the links below:
End-of-Course English Writing SOL Review Materials
11th Grade SOL Released Tests from Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)
EOC Writing SOL Essay Prompts, Rubric, and Checklist for Writers
The prompt for the SOL argumentative essay will come from the list of prompts that were released by the Virginia Department of Education.
EOC Writing SOL Anchor Essays with Annotations
The final score a student receives for the written persuasive essay portion of the EOC English Writing SOL test includes two results – a composing and written expression score and a usage and mechanics score. Below are links to annotated examples released by the Virginia Department of Education, which provide explanations to support assigned scores:
End-of-Course English Reading SOL Review Materials
11th Grade SOL Released Tests from Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)
Vocabulary for EOC Reading SOL - Review Sets available on Quizlet are organized by SOL strand, which are tested on the EOC Reading SOL. The terms were pulled from the LCPS Curriculum Guide, and they may appear on the SOL.
Word Segments for EOC Reading SOL - Review Sets available on Quizlet include roots, affixes, and suffixes and are covered in ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade. Since students are asked on the EOC Reading SOL to apply knowledge of word origins and to use structural analysis of roots, affixes, and suffixes to understand complex words, this is a great study tool.
Welcome to the Broad Run High School English Department!
Please contact us if you ever have any questions or concerns. You may email any one of us by using the links on the "Faculty" page,
We look forward to another successful school year as we work together to educate the students of Broad Run.
English Teachers

Debbie Berman--9 Academic; 11 Academic
Pat Cassidy--9 Academic; 12 Academic; Public Speaking
Neil Dennis--10 Academic; 12 Academic
Sarah Dyer--9 Honors; Journalism/Newspaper; Photojournalism
Michele Evans--9 Honors; Creative Writing
Beth Konkoski--12 Dual Enrollment
Jake Krogh--10 Honors; AP Lang.
Beth Lopez--9 Honors; 11 Academic
Beth McGinley--9 Honors
Barbara Musselman--12 Dual Enrollment
Karrie Rinder--10 Academic; 11 Honors; Writing Center
Jennifer Reynolds--Reading Specialist
Theresa Rossell--9 Academic; 10 Academic
Lauren Sacco--10 Honors; 12 Academic; Women's Studies
Aubrey Skavdahl--10 Honors; AP Literature
Ashley Strausser--9 Honors; 9 Academic
Sally Toner--11 Honors; AP Literature