
We take great pride in providing a quality mathematics education to your student. We come from all parts of Loudoun County and beyond and work together to provide a growth mindset educational experience for all mathematics students at BRHS.
Please contact us if you ever have any questions or concerns. You may email any one of us by using the links on the "Faculty" page or you may navigate to our individual webpages by selecting the "Teachers" link found on the left hand side of this screen.
We look forward to another successful school year as we work together to educate our children.
Welcome Letter
Dear Parents,
The Broad Run Math Department is excited for a wonderful 2022-2023 school year. We are dedicated to the success of your children in math class and look forward to working with them this year. We would like to use this letter to inform you of what we have in place in order for students to be successful.
● Textbooks – The majority of our textbooks are now online and can be accessed through LCPSGO. A classroom set will be kept in individual classrooms for use during the school day as needed. Students will be taught how to access and use their textbooks by their teacher during the first week of school.
● Extra Help – We are always available to give extra help. Math Lab will be available during all blocks in the library for courses up through Advanced Functions. Students in Pre-Calculus and above (including Stats) should see their teacher for extra help opportunities.
● Calculators –We highly recommend that all students in Pre-Calculus and above have their own graphing calculator. ALL SOL classes will be using the Desmos state graphing calculator available in the math folder in LCPSGO. It is important for students to learn specific skills in class and practice them while doing homework and studying for tests and quizzes. Although there are many approved calculators, we recommend purchasing a TI-84 from Texas Instruments since this is the model that will be used in upper level math classrooms and useful on the SAT and AP exams. A limited number are available for check-out on a first come first serve basis. See your teacher with questions. Desmos will be accessible to everyone through chromebooks and LCPSGO.
● Drop Policy – Each year, the Math Department puts thoughtful consideration into the courses that are recommended for each student. The BRHS policy is that schedules will not be changed before the third week of school. After this time period, if students are considering dropping the course for which they have registered, we will need proof that the content is truly too advanced for the student. In order to ensure this, the following must be completed before a drop or course change is considered:
o All assignments are turned in and on time.
o Student was present and on time for each class.
o Student received help from teacher or NHS tutor for at least 5 one-hour sessions.
o Parent and student contacted the teacher and a study/homework plan was developed.
Please be aware that if a student drops or changes a course, the grade earned in the original course will still stand in the gradebook.
The Math Department looks forward to another wonderful year at Broad Run High School. We encourage you to use our Schoology courses as well as the multitude of other sites as resources in your student’s learning. We strive to see our students succeed in mathematics, so please do not hesitate to contact individual teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful school year! Go Spartans!