A Welcome Message From Our Principal Mr. Jeff Joseph

"Where Families Come Together as ONE!"

To our families, both returning and new, and our community; welcome to an inviting learning community that values partnership between teachers and our families. I am very excited to begin another year with the Husky family and become part of a wonderful learning community at Dominion Trail Elementary School. I believe that the most important part of my job, early on, will be to continue to create positive and trusting relationships with new and current families. I hope to accomplish this by creating a transparent school with ongoing communication. I am so grateful for the continued partnership from our Dominion Trail community and am very excited about our direction and progress. We, as a staff, feel extremely supported by our parent population and exceptional PTA, as all of us together are what make Dominion Trail a great school. With constant communication between the school and home and with a student-oriented foundation, like we have, we will maintain the growth and development of our great students as they become excellent citizens and well prepared for the future. This past year was a very exciting one. We are very happy with our accomplishments but are always looking for ways to improve. We are taking steps to continually improve our techniques to provide a positive environment for our students to begin their preparation to eventually be productive and accomplished citizens in the world of the 21st century. Academically, our teachers are continuing to tighten and refine strategies to teach concepts to students with a variety of skill levels, thinking abilities and talents.  The approach relies heavily on moving away from rote memorization and helps teachers to foster the students’ abilities to think critically, solve problems, and learn with a more application-oriented approach. The content requirements are consistent with the Virginia Standards Of Learning, but our approach is becoming different. I am thrilled about cultivating a culture of collaboration among the staff at Dominion Trail Elementary.  I want the staff to recognize that there are no barriers to the amazing experiences that can be offered to them and the students. I know, in my heart, that this can and will become a reality for the greatest gifts we have, our children. Please know that our website will be a great source of communication. Open lines of communication are key to building and fostering wonderful relationships that will support students to become active critical-thinkers in a nurturing and safe learning environment. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments.

I look forward to working with all of you.

 Go Huskies!  

Jeff Joseph, Dominion Trail Principal