Please join us Monday, November 11th for our annual Salute to Veterans at FHR.
Our 3rd Grade students will present a special assembly with songs and narration that pays tribute to our country's serving military and Veterans.
The performance begins at 1:25 pm, but we ask our guests to be in school by 1:15 pm.
As part of our assembly, we will show a special video honoring our FHR community Veterans.
If you have a family member who served/is currently serving in the military, we invite them to attend the assembly. Please complete the form below to indicate if the Veteran will be attending the assembly and/or submit your Veteran's picture for the video presentation during the assembly.
ALL forms must be received by November 3rd at mid-night to allow time for the video to be produced.
Unfortunately, we can not accept any pictures after November 3rd, to allow time for production of the video.