Academic Support Center - Room 315
Students, need help with assignments?
We’ve got you covered! "Walk in" to the Academic Support Center during your study hall--just use e-Hallpass!
You can receive help with the following subjects:
Writing, Math, Science, History, World Languages
Teachers, need to send a student for help? Fill out THIS FORM.
When to send a student to us:
The student is struggling with an assignment and could use academic support in completing it.
The student is struggling with study skills and could use support in areas like organizational skills, reading to learn, or taking effective notes.
When NOT to send a student to the ASC:
For the enforcement of homework completion
Quiz and test makeup
How we communicate the results to you:
Within 48 hours of a completed tutoring session, we will send you a detailed report on the session.
If the student cancels the session or is unavailable, we will send you a report that details why we were unable to work with your student.
If you have any questions related to the Academic Support Center, email Susan Nigro (