Academic Support Cente

Students, need help with assignments?  

We’ve got you covered! "Walk in" to the Academic Support Center during your study hall--just use e-Hallpass!

You can receive help with the following subjects:

Writing   Math   Science   History   World Languages  Computer Science

Teachers, need to send a student for help? Fill out THIS FORM.

When to send a student to us:

  • The student is struggling with an assignment and could use academic support in completing it.

  • The student is struggling with study skills and could use support in areas like organizational skills, reading to learn, or taking effective notes. 

 When NOT to send a student to the ASC:

  • For the enforcement of homework completion

  • Quiz and test makeup

How we communicate the results to you:

  • Within 48 hours of a completed tutoring session, we will send you a detailed report on the session.

  • If the student cancels the session or is unavailable, we will send you a report that details why we were unable to work with your student.