Archived Information 22-23
FHS Summer Office Hours Beginning June 13, 2023
9 am to 3 pm, Monday through Friday

2022-2023 FHS Student Handbook - downloadable PDF version
Uncaged Presents the Class of 2023 Senior Map
Uncaged presents the annual senior map! Click here to view the latest information from Uncaged including where the class of 2023 is going to college.
Video Recording of the presentation: "Opioids/Fentanyl: What Parents Need to Know".
The Class Awards Ceremony Bell Schedule for 5/31 can be found here.
Senior Parents Graduation Information Virtual Meeting
The recording for the Senior Parents Graduation Information Virtual Meeting from May 3rd can be found here.
Tickets for Legally Blonde Jr. can be purchased by clicking on the poster above or by clicking here.
Senior Parents Graduation Information Virtual Meeting
Senior parents are invited to attend a virtual meeting for graduation information. The virtual meeting will be on May 3rd at 7 pm. A link for the meeting is posted below. If you experience buffering and/or loss of video quality while watching the livestream, please refresh your browser. A recording of the livestream will be posted on the FHS main page.
The link to the livestream can be found here.
If you have a question during the livestream, please type it into the Padlet located here.
Brightbytes Survey for Parents and Guardians
Dear Parents and Guardians of Freedom High School,
As you may know, Loudoun County Public Schools has partnered with Brightbytes, a data analytics organization built specifically for K-12 to provide insights into our new and changing learning environments with the goal of ensuring personalized learning support for all students. We are reaching out to ask you to take part in our school survey. Your responses are completely anonymous, and the survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
The last day to complete the survey is Wednesday, April 26th. Please respond using the link located here. This link is for parents and guardians only. Students will be taking the Brightbytes survey in their Advisory classes.
Thank you for taking part in this important initiative!
On Friday, April 14, 2023, FHS will have a pep rally in the afternoon. The bell schedule for April 14th can be found here.
Information about FHS Charity Prom 2023 can be found here.
FHS Spring Break Office Hours
Monday, April 3rd - Wednesday, April 5th
9 am to 2 pm
Thursday, April 6th and Friday, April 7th
Tickets for Matilda the Musical can be purchased here or by clicking the poster above.
Matilda the Musical Content Warning
Due to SOL testing, there will be no advisory on 3/7/23. We will be using the bell schedule for non-advisory days (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday).
Wellness Week is February 28 to March 3. The bell schedule for Wellness Week can be found here.
Tickets for Wallop's Most Wanted, Miss Fortune's Misfortune, The Grindleland's Vampires, & Steel Iron and Tin can be purchased here or by clicking on the image above.
Pep Rally February 3
The bell schedule for the February 3, 2023 Pep Rally can be found here.
December 19 - 23, 2022: Offices open from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. (Closed 12/22)
December 26 - 27, 2022: Building closed
December 28 - 30, 2022: Offices open from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Due to today's school cancellation (12/15), the Musical Interest Meeting will be held on Friday, December 16th after school.
December 12 is the last session for formal yearbook portraits.
The attire for the school’s yearbook pose will be the traditional Tuxedos and Drapes. Victor O'Neil Studios will provide the Tuxedo and Drapes. Please follow the link below to choose your session type and appointment time.
If you have any questions, please email Seniors
Ticket purchases for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe can be made here.
Underclass make up pictures are Friday, October 21, 2022. These pictures are for students who are new to Freedom, were absent during original picture day, or were unhappy with their picture packet only. Pictures will be taken during your study hall. You must have your original picture packet to get them redone.
You may get your picture taken starting at 8:30 if you will not be at Freedom for the day or if you do not have a study hall.
If you have questions, you can contact Victor O’Neil studios by using the following email Underclass
Anyone who has not ordered can still do so using this link
Grades 9-11 will be taking the PSAT on October 12, 2022. The bell schedule can be found here.
Freedom Digital Experience Specialists will be conducting their 2022 Inventory during Adviory class starting the week of September 19. Students, please fill out the form below. The form can be accessed by scanning the QR Code or clicking on the picture.
Homecoming is September 17.
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!

Picture Day is Coming to Freedom High School!
Click here to preorder photos.
Please email Victor O’Neill Studios: should you have any questions.
September 10 is Tag Day
Back to School Night Videos:

Student Parking Passes/Senior Painting Passes
The student parking lot is now full. We do not have any spots remaining for students, so we will not open up the sign-up portal to juniors. This year, only seniors who have been allotted a numbered spot will be able to park on school grounds. Others may park on the street or ride the bus.
Note: Students will report directly to advisory in the morning on the first three days of school.