Get on the waitlist for a parking permit!
Directions to register for a parking permit:
Click on the link: 2024-2025 FHS Parking Application
Complete the application and permission form with your parent/guardian. Make sure to have your vehicle make, model, and license plate number ready as you will fill out the form. Please read the parking lot rules and regulations carefully and make sure you understand how a parking pass can be suspended or revoked.
You will receive notification from Mrs. Koscinski if you have been approved for a parking space.
Parking permits will be distributed at lunch blocks by the SSO’s and/or Mrs. Koscinski. Make sure you bring your driver’s license
Want to ensure a DESIGNATED SPOT in the lot
Only painted spots will be assigned and designated to a specific student. All unpainted spots in the student parking lot will be open parking for anyone with an approved parking permit.
Cost: $25.00
Painting will occur on Sunday August 25th from 9am - 4pm
Design proposal form (see below) must be submitted for approval no later than noon on August 23rd.
Once your design proposal has been approved, you will receive an email from Mrs. Greer with more information, including a SchoolsCash payment link. Make payment immediately after to secure the spot.