Freedom Campus
What is CAMPUS?
CAMPUS is an academic and college preparation program designed to meet the specific needs of historically underrepresented students and first-generation college students in Loudoun County. CAMPUS started as a Guidance Services initiative in the spring 2002 and is now projected to serve over 500 accepted students in grades 9-12. Students apply in the spring of their eighth-grade year or during the fall of grades 10-12. CAMPUS seeks to provide support and encouragement to students who demonstrate the ability to achieve academic success and college admission. Students commit to attending mandatory CAMPUS meetings or classes during the school day and attending CAMPUS activities throughout the year. Parents are also an integral part of CAMPUS and its success. Parents are expected to participate in CAMPUS initiatives and support their children in the college search and application process. Graduation from college is the measure of CAMPUS’ success.
CAMPUS supports students through:
Academic enrichment and support
Development of self-advocacy skills
Mentorship opportunities
College and Scholarship preparation
Careful course selection
Community service projects and activities
Application Process:
Any student can apply to CAMPUS. Students apply to the program either in the spring of their eighth grade year, or if space is available, during the first few weeks of 9th-11th grade. Application information can be obtained from the school counselor at each middle or high school. Students must submit a complete application, including a writing sample and teacher recommendations. Students are selected based on the following critera:
Potential aptitude for post-secondary education
Leadership skills
Demonstrated interest in advanced topics
Current or previous academic progress
Strong Consideration is given to students who:
Will be the first in their family to graduate from a college or university
Come from a single-parent family
Come from a non-or limited English-speaking family
May be considered socio-economically disadvantaged
About Freedoms CAMPUS
Our class is facilitated by Mrs. Monge and Mr. Forcina . Our counseling facilitator is Ms. Adu-Gyamfi.
Questions concerning the program should be directed to the school counseling department at 703-957-4307.