New Student Registration

Current LCPS students transferring to Freedom High School
Please submit a Change of Address Form to your current school for processing.
You must also provide proof of residency (lease, deed, or mortgage statement) to complete a Change of Address.
The Registrar at your current school will contact Freedom to make the transfer.
Students transferring to Freedom from outside of LCPS
We encourage parents/legal guardians to pre-register online. To do so, parents/legal guardians must have or create a ParentVUE account. Use the Online Pre-Registration page for detailed steps and downloadable resources.
Please review the documents needed to register, and once you have collected all the required registration documentation and have registered online Mrs. Strother will reach out to make an appointment to complete the registration process. A student registration is not complete until the parent or court-appointed legal guardian submits the required documentation.
If you need assistance determining your student's zoned school, please visit the attendance boundary link.
Please notify us if any of the conditions listed below apply to your child:
Your child receives special education services.
Your child speaks English as a second language.
You are not the parent of the child you wish to enroll.