Our English Learners (ELLs) come from all over the world. At FGES, we have our linguistically diverse students represent more than 25 languages groups. The cultures they bring to our school make FGES a robust learning environment for all students.

Students at FGES are provided with language support as they engage in learning in all academic areas. We focus on developing language growth in all of the four domains, Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. ELL teachers are providing direct classroom instruction, as well as grade-level support for students in every classroom, based on their language learning levels. We use a variety of strategies to make the content more comprehensible such as the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) approach, co-teaching, parallel teaching, station teaching, reading groups, and targeted intervention groups as need arises. 

For newcomers, students may meet in a mulit grade-level setting with other newcomers where they are free to practice oral language. Personalized Learning is providing many opportunities for learning that is customized for each student. At Forest Grove, this is something we are doing to make sure that ALL of our students have an education that is personalized to meet their learning needs!

ELL Links

  • Alphabet Games

    The Literacy Center Education Network is dedicated to designing exceptional education experiences for young children.

  • Colorin Colorado

    A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners. 

  • ESL Activities

    Grammar, vocabulary and other activities to help better understand English.

  • Math Practice

    Practice math facts with online flash cards and other activities.

  • Read Aloud Books

    Famous actors read stories as you read along with them.

  • Tumble Books

    Use your school login, go to Library Resources, and choose Tumble Books to listen along to some of your favorite books in English, Spanish, or French!