Physical Education

Welcome to Forest Grove 

Health & Physical Education

Mr. Watson & Mr. Kiely

Mr. Watson & Mr. Kiely

Mr. Watson

Mr. Watson

Email Mr. Watson

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Health & Physical Education
Virginia Commonwealth University

Mr. Watson has enjoyed teaching K-5 Health and Physical Education at Forest Grove Elementary School for seven incredible years. He enjoys leading a physically active lifestyle, including frequenting the gym, hiking, playing softball, and generally anything that involves being outdoors. He is very excited about what the next school year will bring!

Mr. Kiely

Mr. Kiely

Email Mr. Kiely

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Exercise Sciences
Radford University

Mr. Kiely will be entering his second year teaching K-5 Health and Physical Education at Forest Grove Elementary School. Exercise and daily physical activity are some of his priorities. He is looking forward to getting to know his students and watching them grow in the upcoming school year.