In Career and Technical Education (CTE):
We communicate and model high expectations for all students, which includes emphasizing and valuing multiple pathways for students after high school (i.e., college, entering the workforce, military) and collaborating with students to identify personal interests, aptitudes and strengths to establish goals for the future.
We believe that all students deserve to have access to a conducive learning environment and relevant and rigorous coursework, including honors and dual-enrollment opportunities, opportunities to earn credentials and to engage in robust work-based learning experiences.
We provide scaffolds and supports to ensure all students can access the curriculum and authentic learning experiences that support their identified interests and goals.
What is Career and Technical Education (CTE)?
CTE offers courses to students in grades 6 through 12 that contain:
[ 1 ] competency-based instruction,
[ 2 ] career and technical student organizations,
[ 3 ] industry credentials,* and
[ 4 ] work-based learning experiences.
Take a moment to review what Career and Technical Education (CTE) looks like in LCPS.
*Industry credentials are only offered to students in grades 9 - 12.