Health and Physical Education provides all students with the knowledge, processes, and skills needed to become physically fit through activities that contribute to lifetime fitness and wellness. Students are provided the opportunity to acquire an understanding of health concepts and skills, and to apply them in making healthy decisions. All secondary students are required to have a fitness portfolio that includes present levels of fitness, an exercise plan, nutrition and fitness logs, and personal goals. Students maintain the portfolio to help them make healthy choices and to track progress.
Two instructional units of Health & Physical Education are required for graduation in Virginia (HPE 9 and HPE 10 in LCPS). The high school model for Physical Education aligns with the Virginia SOLs and allows students to self-select among a variety of lifetime activities. Adapted PE services are provided to qualifying students and Advanced PE is an elective course available to students in grades 11 and 12. Health is taught through instructional units both in a classroom setting and in the gym through movement, when appropriate. Instructional units in Health include the CPR and First Aid graduation completion in the 9th grade, classroom Driver Education in 10th grade, and a variety of other relevant health topics noted in the syllabi.