Firefly student is using a sewing mac

Design, Create & Share Your Passions

The Makerspace is open to all faculty, staff, and students to utilize all machines in the space. 
To get started, please check out our Tools & Resources to learn more about what we have to offer in the space and how to get certified for these machines. 

Tools & Resources

At the makerspace, we hope to offer a range of different machines as well as respective trainings for those machines.  Everyone must complete the safety training before attending other trainings or using machines. 

For each training you must do the following: 

  • Watch their respective videos

  • Take the quiz with a minimum score of 8/10 and provide a physical product that was made with that respective machine.

  • If students fail to score at least an 8/10 on the quiz, they must produce two projects off of the machine and take the quiz again. 

  • Once you have completed all four of these steps, you will are eligible to create/make the badge for that training. 

Workshop Guidelines

Workshop Guidelines

  • Students should select a time to run the workshop and prepare a presentation. Email Mr. Christopher Archie.

  • Make a copy of the workshop template to start planning your workshop and email Mr. Archie.

  • All workshops are led by 1 student/individual. No collaboration unless the otherwise discussed.

  • You may have a mentor help you with your workshop but presentations of workshops and workshop activities will be led by the individual who proposed the workshop initially.

  • Workshops that are approved must give an initial test run before the actual workshop. This is to ensure that any hiccups or concerns that students may have that can be addressed before the actual workshop.