Transcript Requests

Current Students

Requesting transcripts is a two-step process - Transcript Release and Transcript Request.


All students must have the LCPS Transcript Release RT-10 Form on file from parents. This allows for school personnel to send vital documents as part of the college application process to include the LCPS academic transcript and letters of recommendation. This form seeks parent/guardian permission to send a student’s LCPS transcript to their chosen colleges, universities, and/or scholarship organizations as requested in SchooLinks. This form also seeks permission to waive the rights to review letters of recommendations sent to higher education institutions. The LCPS Transcript Release RT-10 Form is only required for parents/guardians of LCPS 12th grade students.

Important Information to consider when completing the “LCPS Transcript Release Form RT-10”:

  • If the “Student Transcript Release” question is declined, LCPS School counselors will be unable to send transcripts to the student’s desired higher education institutions.

  • Some individual recommenders (LCPS staff) may choose to make their recommendation conditional on a signed waiver of access. This waiver of access is documented in the “Letter of Recommendation Review Waiver” question.  

Step 1: Parents/Guardians log in to ParentVue. If assistance is needed, please review ParentVue access information here

Step 2: Complete Online Verification documents to include the LCPS Transcript Release Form RT-10. If assistance is needed, please review the online verification information here. Once the form is submitted, the information will be sent automatically to your student’s school counseling team. 

Step 3: Please follow these directions if online verification was bypassed OR you need to change anything on the RT-10



Transcripts requests should be made through SchooLinks, accessible through your LCPSGO account.


LCPS offers a convenient and secure website for former students to request student information or records online.