Frequently Asked Questions
What is the National Honor Society?
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a prestigious high school organization that promotes high academic standards, recognizes active leadership, supports service activities, and encourages the development of good character. The governing board is made up of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the NHS National Council. NHS headquarters is located in Reston, VA.
Why would I want to become a member of the National Honor Society?
Membership in NHS is a public recognition of a student’s accomplishments. Also, colleges and universities recognize this achievement as an honor. Because there are 12,500 chapters throughout the United States, the selection process conforms to the national guidelines. This process is applied fairly and consistently to all candidates.
Who is a candidate for selection?
All Juniors (Class of 2023) who have a cumulative grade Point average (GPA) of 3.50 and Seniors (Class of 2022, not already in NHS) who have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 for their high school courses are considered for selection.
What happens after I turn in my packet?
After the packets are turned in, a list of all candidates for selection is given to the Park View faculty and administration.
Word of advice about the deadline
Submit your completed Student Information Packet before the deadline of October 15, 2023; late applications will not be accepted.