
Welcome to Art Class

Welcome to ART!

I am looking forward to an art-filled year for the 2024-2025 school year.

In Art class at Round Hill Elementary, students will discover the world of Art. Students will explore a variety of mediums, styles of art, artists, art concepts, and art techniques. They will observe, problem-solve, communicate, collaborate and create works of art. Through art, students will also experience art history and various cultures studied in the classroom.

In art class, students will also experience a positive learning environment. Students will be encouraged to explore, explain, evaluate, elaborate and experiment. Students of different abilities and skills will be motivated and inspired to do their best. My goal is to make art a place where all students will succeed.

This year we welcome back Mr. Addison Bender! He teaches at Culbert Elementary. He will be teaching a few of the classes here next year. He is a wonderful addition to our school!

In Art class, I look forward to a year of discovery where the students and I will learn from each other.

Mrs. Fink

Please feel free to contact me...  E-Mail Mrs. Fink

art room & teacher

All About Art Class

Tell me about art class…

Students in grades K thru 5 receive art once a week for 5o minutes. Students will experience drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpting, assembling and imaging. They will be exposed to a variety of artists and styles of Art. Students are encouraged to use problem solving skills, creativity and their imagination to create unique artwork. They will also experience creating art projects which reflect the countries studied in the classroom.

Grading in Art Class...

Students are graded on Skill in art class. Grades are not based on talent but reflect the students' ability to incorporate the targets of the lesson into their artwork. Students are encouraged to think creatively beyond the targets of the lesson. It is important that all students try their best on all art projects. Missed assignments due to absence are exempt from grading if make-up is impractical. Students are expected to respect the art materials, their art project and their classmates.

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