Seeking Educational Alternatives to Reach and Challenge Higher Level Thinking
Loudoun County's SEARCH program focuses on thinking skills and is designed to foster a classroom environment that encourages students to develop an excitement for learning and discovery. SEARCH classes are offered to all students in grades K, 1, 2, and 3. SEARCH teachers work within the classroom to stimulate curiosity, practice problem solving strategies, incorporate cooperative learning activities, provide opportunities for students to use higher level thinking skills, and identify students with exceptional ability. Observations are made during the lessons to gain insight into the students’ various skills, strengths, and learning styles. Both the SEARCH teacher and classroom teacher work collaboratively to recognize and develop the potential for excellence in each student.
The Gifted Education Program goals:
To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them.
To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them.
To develop the capacity for self assessment (ownership of the learning).
SEARCH Thinking Keys:
Perceiving- understanding and learning with one's senses
Reasoning- using information to find answers that can be proven, are logical, and make sense
Connecting- linking information and ideas to see how they fit together
Creating- putting ideas, information, or objects together in a new or different way
Evaluating- using information to make a decision
DCI stands for Differentiated Classroom Instruction. This program is for 4th and 5th grade students who demonstrated exceptional performance in one domain, language arts or mathematics, during the gifted evaluation process. Students identified as DCI will be cluster grouped with other students who show strength in that subject area. The gifted specialist, Mrs. Fortenbaugh, will work with your child and your child’s teacher to differentiate the curriculum and provide challenging tasks.

FUSION is a school-based gifted program where students are cluster grouped with their intellectual peers. The gifted specialist, Mrs. Fortenbaugh, works closely with the teachers of these cluster-grouped classrooms to enrich the core math and language arts instruction. In addition, students receive specialized enrichment time with other FUSION-identified students. In the fall, Round Hill will host a special back-to-school night for FUSION families to present more information to parents and answer any questions.