What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)?
Definition: Social-emotional learning (SEL) is how children and adolescents learn and apply knowledge and skills to develop healthy identities and confidence, set and achieve goals, manage feelings, work and play with others, show empathy, make responsible and caring decisions, and solve problems. Through SEL, students are better able to learn and contribute to a positive school environment. These skills are what build foundational knowledge to support the Profile of an LCPS Graduate and career readiness skills.
SEL at Round Hill Elementary
Our approach to SEL at Round Hill is three legged: a supportive classroom environment, explicit SEL instruction, and integration of SEL and instruction. Read more about Second Step with the Elementary Flyer. For more information, check out the Family Access Information.
SEL School to Home Connection
Parents can support your children at home, too, with resources such as the SEL Family Guide, SEL Family Fun Activities at bottom of SEL webpage. School-to-Family Communication will continue throughout the year with important SEL news.
SEL Supports ONE LCPS Strategic Plan for Excellence:
Goal 1: Empowered Students
ACTION 1.1 – Core Academic Excellence
Enable student academic excellence by providing rigorous and culturally-
responsive instruction to develop all students as knowledgeable critical thinkers, creators, communicators, collaborators, and contributors.
ACTION 1.3 – Care for Students
Ensure a safe and affirming learning environment for all students by implementing a system of supports to address their academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs.
Strategy: Provide social and emotional learning and mental health, nutrition, and wellness services for all students
ACTION 1.4 – Student Voice
Create regular opportunities to hear and act on student interests, experiences, and dreams.