
The Mountain Messenger


The PEAK is our weekly look ahead at topics and assignments in our Yeti classes. You will receive this informative resource every week. Please feel free to access teachers directly from this resource as well.

09/22/2024 - The Mountain Messenger (Vol. 1), #7

  • This issue is packed with some outstanding upcoming events, like Bring Your Parent to School Day, two student contests, and an upcoming fundraiser!

09/14/2024 - The Mountain Messenger (Vol. 1), #6

  • The latest Messenger recaps Back-to-School Night, highlighting upcoming academic opportunities and student activities for the year. Families are reminded to look out for The PEAK newsletter, which will help students track assignments. Celebrations for Hispanic Heritage Month are also underway! Additionally, upcoming events include Specialized Advisories, intramural flag football, and Girls' Tech Day are previewed.

09/06/2024 - The Mountain Messenger (Vol. 1), #5

  • The newsletter provides updates on P.E. attire, the new "E" Day schedule, and positive parent feedback on the A-E format. It also includes details about Back-to-School Night, Fall PTO Club sign-ups, Girls' Tech Day, and intramural flag football. Additionally, it highlights the SHINE Award nominations and school counseling services.

08/30/2024 - The Mountain Messenger (Vol. 1), #4

  • This issue highlights key upcoming events at Watson Mountain Middle School, including Back to School Night on September 12 with presentations and a school walk-through for families. It previews the Quarter 1 Intramural 7x7 Flag Football season and the fall session of after-school clubs, with registration starting September 1. Additionally, it reminds parents of the first PTO meeting on September 3 to discuss plans for the school year.

08/21/2024 - The Mountain Messenger (Vol. 1), #2

  • This issue welcomes students and parents to the new school year at Watson Mountain Middle School, highlighting the theme "Charting Our Path: One Footprint at a Time" as we embark on our educational journey together. It provides essential details on first-day preparations, transportation, Chromebook distribution, schedule access, and the importance of completing the Online Verification process in ParentVUE.

08/09/2024 - The Mountain Messenger (Vol. 1), #1

  • This inaugural issue provides essential information about the upcoming school year at Watson Mountain, including first-day procedures, student schedules, Chromebook distribution, and transportation details.

06/25/2024 Watson Mountain Updates

  • Loads of updates with some important deadlines coming up!

05/24/24 Watson Mountain Updates

  • Includes our latest updates!

05/07/24 Watson Mountain Updates

  • Includes important updated PEAK Week information, school supply list, spirit wear information, sponsorship opportunities and much more!

02/22/24 Watson Mountain Updates

  • Includes our mascot announcement, PEAK Week information and a very warm welcome to our new Assistant Principal, Ms. Oliver!

02/09/24 Watson Mountain Updates

  • Includes links to new pictures and a video of Watson Mountain, answers to your questions, PEAK Week information and much more!

02/01/24 Watson Mountain Updates

  • Includes our Curriculum Night presentation, PEAK Week information, Music Try-Out information and much more!

Welcome to Watson Mountain MS !