
Welcome to the ART Studio!

Art Program

The Art Education Program at Algonkian Elementary introduces students to diverse and cultural art, art production, art history, art criticism and aesthetics according to the Loudoun County Public Schools Art Curriculum as well as the Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning.Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade are given 50 minutes of art instruction each week. 

Current Loudoun County Standards of Art

Current Virginia Department of Education-Standards of Art

Email Ms. Michael

World with art

Ms. Caryn Michael

Email Ms. Michael

Hello Bobcats!!!!!  

My name is Caryn Michael and I am the Art Teacher for Algonkian Elementary.I am so excited to have the opportunity to continue to work with such wonderful student artists! I've been at Algonkian Elementary since 2013. I graduated from Shepherd University in West Virginia with a degree in Art Education and with an artistic concentration in Sculpture. When I am not teaching the wonderfully creative students at Algonkian, I am: making art, learning about the world and all its people and cultures, visiting museums, reading, collecting postage stamps and fountain pens, writing letters, and hanging out with my family, playing with my bunny. 

Teaching art is my lifelong passion and I hope to help the students here continue their exploration of the wonderful world of art and their own creative potential.

Art Lessons

Ms. Michael

Art Lessons and Resources are available through Algonkian's Art Schoology Pages.