Welcome to Music
Ms. Comrie is the Algonkian music teacher. I am so excited about making music with our Algonkian Bobcats!
Students in grades K-5 will receive a 50-minute class once a week. I will be teaching all seven intelligences. As a result, our students will come to fully understand both musical and academic concepts. In our music room, we will be learning music through the Orff approach. Each student will participate in music through many facets, including singing, movement, dancing, playing instruments, creating, and improvising. My goal is for all students to feel confident and safe to share their thoughts and ideas.
The music program follows the Loudoun County Elementary Music Curriculum, which is aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL’s) and the National Standards for Music Education.
If you have any questions about the music curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact me at Email Kim Comrie.
Grading System
Assessments in General Music are standards-based and performance-based. The following key should be used to indicate a student’s acquisition of skills and content taught, effort exhibited, and demonstration of appropriate behavior and safe practices:
4/E – Exceeds Standard
3/M – Meets Standard
2/P – Progressing Towards Standard
1/B – Below Standard
Nine Week Plans
Nine Week Plans - 1st Quarter
long/short sounds
high vs low pitches
up/down repertoire
dramatic play
unpitched percussion technique
body awareness
rhythm patterns
First Grade
quarter, paired eighths and quarter rest
melodic rhythm
repeat sign
compare higher/lower1-H.4 simple bordun
recognize phrase
call and response
voice vs. instrument
Second Grade
Tie, half note/half rest
compare higher/lower
broken bordun
voice vs. instrument
brass instruments
aural ID four orch. Families
four unpitched percussion groups
Accidentals (Flats, Sharps, and Naturals)
Third Grade
dotted quarter note
3/4 time signature
pitches; middle C to line 5F
partner songs; multi-part canon
arpeggiated borduns
create accompaniment
four orchestra families
Forth Grade
quarter/ eighth notes
6/8 and 3/4 time signature
multi-layer instrument ensemble
moving bordun
mp, mf dynamics
AB, ABA, ABC, verse/refrain forms
Fifth Grade
pitches; middle C to line 5F
accidentals (flats, sharps, and naturals)
create accompaniment
introduction/ interlude/ coda
theme/ variations
pp, ff, crescendo, decrescendo dynamics
soprano/ alto/ tenor/ bass voices