English Learners

Welcome to Algonkian Elementary's English Learners (EL) website. In this website you will find information about the EL program at Algonkian, as well as the district eligibility and program guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns about the EL program at Algonkian Elementary, please call Ms. Rice at Algonkian Elementary, (571)434-3240, or e-mail her at Email Deborah Rice.
LCPS EL Guidelines
EL Eligibility
Eligibility for the EL program is based on information on the initial school registration form. Any indication that English is a second language for the student, requires that the student be tested for English language fluency. A standardized test, the WIDA Access Placement Test, is then given to determine the level of English language proficiency. If a student is eligible to receive EL services, an appropriate program of instruction will be designed for him/her. This may include direct language instruction in the EL classroom and/or support from the EL staff in the regular classroom.
Student progress is evaluated in the spring of every year using the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs test.
Students receive EL support until they are able to demonstrate a level of English proficiency that allows them to work successfully in the regular classroom. It is important to note that while verbal proficiency may be rapidly acquired, proficiency in academic subjects may take seven to ten years.
EL Program Completion
Students are moved out of the EL program when they have achieved a high degree of fluency and accuracy when speaking, are able to read and comprehend a wide range of texts, and are approaching fluency in writing in the content areas with minimal errors.
Articles for Parents
La Guía de Recursos para Padres proporciona información sobre las Escuelas del Condado de Loudoun.
This guide gives information about the EL program and Loudoun County Public Schools for parents.
Diez cosa que debe saber sobre la escuelaUna lista de factos importantes sobre la escuela en EEUU.
Top Ten Things to Know About SchoolA list of 10 important things to know about school in the U.S