Physical Education
P.E. Rules At Algonkian

Our Physical Education classes will work on the following objectives during the First Grading Period
Grades 1 and 2:
Playground safety and awareness.
Rules and regulations for the gymnasium.
Demonstrate an understanding of personal and general space.
Develop overhand and underhand throwing and catching techniques.
Perform kicking skills while kicking a stationary ball at a target.
Develop coordination and timing associated with jumping a rope.
Activities related to locomotor and non locomotor skills.
Grades 4 and 5:
Playground safety awareness.
Rules and regulations for the gymnasium.
Participate in organized games related to recess.
Participate in games that involve moving while throwing and catching.
Students will perform exercises each physical education period that emphasizes the
FITT Principle: Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type.
Perform activities that emphasize running speed and endurance.
Participate in the Fitness Gram Fitness Test.
Third Grade objectives will draw from either upper or lower grades depending on skill level of individual class.
Our Physical Education classes at Algonkian Elementary will work on the following objectives during the second nine weeks:
Grades 1 and 2:
1. perform different levels of dribbling such as: using one hand, then the other, dribble while moving, dribble while changing direction and around stationary obstacles.
2. learn correct rope jumping technique.
3. participate in activities whereby they will perform rolling (bowling) techniques.
Grade 3:
1. perform correct rope jumping techniques.
2. demonstrate correct dribbling techniques.
3. execute a chest pass, also a bounce and overhead passes to a partner.
4. demonstrate proper shooting technique from a stationery position.
Grades 4 and 5:
1. participate in activities that will allow them to use correct throwing and catching techniques while stationery and while moving.
2. perform these basketball skills:
-dribble at moderate speed, changing directions
-chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass, and baseball pass
-shoot a one hand set shot
-participate in leadup games using passing, catching, dribbling and shooting
All classes are continuing to perform exercises that emphasize flexibility, strength and agility.
Students are assessed on their performance of skills and techniques listed under the overview. Students are also assessed on their sportsmanship and behavior.
Our Physical Education classes at Algonkian Elementary will work on the following objectives during the third nine weeks:
Grades 1 and 2:
Students demonstrated the concepts of fleeing and dodging while playing low organizational games
Students participated in several scooter activities
Flexibility was demonstrated through hula hoop activities
Grade 3:
Students worked on basic volleyball skills
Students demonstrated various hockey skills
Through various lead-up games, soccer skills were demonstrated
Grades 4 and 5:
Students executed floor hockey skills through various games
Volleyball skills were demonstrated
Students worked on soccer skills during lead-up games
Our Physical Education classes at Algonkian Elementary will work on the following objectives during the fourth nine weeks:
Grades 1 and 2:
Students will demonstrate striking a ball off a stationary object
Students will participate in games that involve chasing and tagging
Students will be involved in games that involve the use of bases
Students will participate in relay type activities
Grade 3:
Students will participate in a physical fitness test
Students will strike a ball off of a stationary object
Students will be involved in low organizational games that demonstrate fleeing, chasing and tagging
Grades 4 and 5:
Students will participate in the physical fitness test
Students will participate in activities that involve bases and base running
Correct throwing techniques will be worked on in various activities
Elementary Physical Education Course Description:
The Loudoun County elementary physical education curriculum is a developmental program designed to enhance student confidence in movement, balance, fine and gross motor control, and general physical vigor. The physical education specialist teaches physical education three days a week. The classroom teacher instructs students in physical education two days per week for thirty minutes each day. The classroom teacher strives to make use of skills and/or game activities as they are implemented by the physical education teacher.
Goals for Physical Education
1. The student will develop muscular strength and physical fitness.
2. The student will develop efficient body control and movement.
3. The student will acquire appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for healthy daily living.
4. The student will demonstrate safety awareness and demonstrate good safety habits.
5. The student will develop a positive attitude toward sportsmanship with respect for other's talent and weaknesses.
6. The student will participate in activities that encourage the development of a positive self-image.
7. The student will develop a sense of individual and group responsibility.
8. The student will develop a healthy attitude toward physical activity.
9. The student will develop an appreciation for physical activities which can be pursued during leisure time and can contribute to lifetime fitness.
Health Check Forms
Health check forms are sent home at the beginning of the school year for parents' signature. It is imperative that all health-related information be documented and returned on this form. This will allow your student to safely participate in activities.
Excuses From Activity
Excuses from physical education should be written by the parent and sent to school with the child. The physical education teacher will honor such excuses. If a child will need to be excused for more than one week, a physician's excuse will be expected. Alternative activities or assignments may be given.
Appropriate Dress
Appropriate dress means wearing comfortable clothing and sneakers for safe athletic participation. A student's participation may be restricted due to unsafe or inappropriate attire.
Students are assessed in the following areas: skills, behavior, participation, and sportsmanship. The assessment scale is as follows:
1. Demonstrates proficiency at the skills which were assessed.
2. Skills have been learned, but additional practice needed for proficiency.
3. Has not demonstrated that he/she has learned the assessed skills.
Presidential Physical Fitness Award
Fourth and Fifth grade students participate in these personal fitness assessments. Students achievement awards are presented to students in June.
National Physical Fitness Award
Standards set forth by the National Association for sports and physical education.
A Physically Educated Person:
1. Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.
2. Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.
3. Exhibits a physically active lifestyle.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
6. Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.
7. Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction.