Family Liaison

What is a Family Liaison?

A Family Liaison is a staff member who works to bridge the communication between school and home by helping parents get the information, help, and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success at school. We strive to make sure that each and every student has the necessary resources to help them achieve their best.  In this ever-changing economic climate, sometimes we find ourselves in need of outside resources and assistance. The Family Liaison is here to help share the many available resources that our community provides. 

How Can a Family Liaison Help?

Family Liaisons can provide assistance with the following:

  • Free or reduced meals, along with weekend meal bags and daily snacks

  • School supplies

  • Clothing needs including winter coats, hats and gloves

  • Programs for English Learners (EL)

  • Providing Interpreters for Parent/Teacher Conferences and other events

  • Before and after-school programs

  • Free tutoring services

  • Fee waivers for school activities such as spirit wear, book fairs, school pictures, field trips, etc.

  • Referrals to low-cost or free health services, including eye glasses, healthcare and dental care

  • Summer food programs

How Can I Get In Touch With The Family Liaison?

Casey Hansen, Algonkian Elementary's Family Liaison, typically works Thursday and Friday.

Email Casey Hansen

Phone: (571)434-3240.

To Request Assistance, please complete the form below:

Needs Network Form

Meet Mrs. Hansen

Casey Hansen

Family Liaison


My name is Casey Hansen and I am the Family Liaison at Algonkian Elementary.  I have 3 children; two that attend Algonkian Elementary and one that attends River Bend Middle School, and my husband and I have lived in Cascades for the past 16 years. I am very excited to be working at such a great school and I am very excited to help the great families in our community. 

As the Family Liaison, I want to help all students and families participate in the school events without any financial burden.  I also want to make sure that each student is being given plenty of nourishing food, proper clothing and adequate school supplies so they can be the best student they can be! Algonkian Elementary, as well as Loudoun County, have a wealth of resources that can benefit families from food, academics, housing, employment and much more.  Nothing would make me happier than being able to share these resources with you if you ever find yourself in need.

I am here to help, so please never hesitate to reach out to me.  I typically work Thursday and Friday mornings, however my schedule may change based on the county school schedule. You can reach me via email ( and phone (571) 434-3240. I look forward to working with you!