Senior Parking Spaces [connected/posted  8-06-24]  

Hello Seniors!

We hope you are gearing up for an amazing senior year! Part of the joys of being a senior, is the opportunity to paint your own parking space. If you are interested in decorating a senior parking space, please refer to the attached application.

1)    Please complete the attached application and submit to Ms. Kroll - jennifer.kroll@lcps.org
2)    After submitting, you will receive a link to submit your $25 payment
3)    Once payment is received and your painting design is approved, you will receive an approval email from Ms. Kroll

Painting Location and Dates:
•    Location – Senior lot in back of school near tennis courts
•    Your parking space must be completed by August 19th. If you are unable to complete your space by then, you will need to make alternate arrangements with Ms. Kroll.

•    School administration is not responsible for monitoring parking. Seniors are expected to park in your designed space.
•     You must have a school parking pass to park on school premises. Apply here: Application

Click HERE for Parking Lot Space info/rules/regulations

LCPS: School Links [connected/posted  7-30-24]  


Plan to attend the SchooLinks workshop on Thursday, Aug. 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Heritage High School to learn more about how SchooLinks, a college and career readiness platform, can help you and your student plan for what comes after graduation. From 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., LCPS staff and SchooLinks representatives will provide an overview of SchooLinks’ features and show how SchooLinks can help you and your student navigate their academic and future goal planning. From 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., we will discuss the College Application Manager, which supports students as they complete the college application process. Parents/guardians are invited to attend the entire workshop or just the portion that most applies to their student’s current needs. 

If you would like to request interpretation for this workshop, please email SchooLinkshelp@LCPS.org at least five business days prior to the event with your request. 

What is SchooLinks?
SchooLinks helps middle and high school students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create individualized plans that best reflect their post-secondary goals. 

For students who are applying to colleges this year, SchooLinks includes a College Application Manager that is designed to streamline the college application process and keep your student organized every step of the way.

Later this year, LCPS will be expanding its partnership with SchooLinks to utilize the Course Planner feature, which will assist LCPS students and families with the academic planning and course selection process. The existing Program of Studies platform will integrate into Course Planner. SchooLinks Course Planner will be accessible to students in grades 5 through 12 in late 2024.  

As a parent/guardian, you have the opportunity to join your student on the SchooLinks platform and engage in the career and college exploration process with them. SchooLinks allows parents/guardians to: 

  • View the results of your student’s career interest, strength and mindset assessments to learn more about their interests and what careers might be right for them

  • See what colleges and careers your student has favorited and set as goals

  • Check your personalized dashboard for upcoming events as well as important reminders and to-dos f or your student

  • Complete your own research on colleges, careers and more to help you have informed conversations with your student

  • Compare college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out-of-pocket expenses

Students log in to SchooLinks through LCPSGo. Parents/guardians access SchooLinks through ParentVue. Please see the linked Onboarding for Guardians flyer for guidance on how to access SchooLinks through ParentVue. 

For more information about SchooLinks, watch this introductory video or see information on the LCPS website. Check out the Getting Started information for middle school students and high school students for suggested areas of exploration. LCPS School Counselors can answer questions about SchooLinks. You can also email your questions about SchooLinks to: SchooLinkshelp@LCPS.org.   

College Boot Camp: Seniors [posted 7/25/24]

I hope you have all been enjoying your summer and are pumped up for you final year at Broad Run! We are excited to work with all of you as you explore your post high school options. If college is one of them, then we hope you can join us for our College Boot Camp!

  • When?  August 9th 10:00-12:00 PM

  • Where?  BRHS Library

  • What to bring: Your lap top and notebook

Agenda: Introduction to Common App, essay help, understanding Schoolinks when applying to college, requesting transcripts, requesting teacher recommendations...

Counselors will be on hand to help you get ready for applying to colleges. We will review all aspects of the application process and work with you on anything you need help with.

Please use the google form to indicate if you will be coming. College Boot Camp RSVP

SIGN UP NOW: Class of 2025 Senior Portraits [connected/posted 6/27/2024]

Click HERE for the flyer to learn more about your Senior Portrait.

Everyone should sign up for the July dates.  Seats are filling up quickly so SIGN UP now!

Email me with questions: Chad.Runfola@lcps.org

Class of 2025: Senior Portraits [connected 6/6/2024, posted 6/10/2024]

Senior Class of 2025.

Click HERE for the information flyer to learn more about your Senior Portrait.

Everyone should sign up for the July dates...Seats will fill up quickly so SIGN UP now!

Questions, email Mr. Runfola at: Chad.Runfola@lcps.org