Community Liaison Council (CLC)
The purpose of the Community Liaison Council (CLC) is to represent multiple facets of our community and support all our students and families through resources each of these organizations/groups provide.
Along with BTES school administrators, the following representatives make up the new CLC and meet bi-monthly to support this vision.
The members are:
BTES Equity chairs: Email Bar Tollman
BTES Family Liaison: Email Ginny Beers
LEAF: OPEN: Email Us
MSAAC: Email Sapna Hencinski
PTA: Email Alyssa Shrader
SEAC: Email Laura Dolan
Please reach out to the CLC at This Email if you have any questions/comments/concerns you need to share.
As the primary provider of education in Loudoun County, LCPS seeks to connect and engage with parents outside of their individual student’s experience. The School Board seeks to ensure parental concerns are heard and considered as a regular part of policy making. Community feedback helps to ensure decision-making, and actions taken by the Board are in the best interests of our students and the community.
The Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) is an advisory group voice for parents to elevate educational concerns and provide feedback to the board on current or proposed policies or issues facing the School Board.
Please email us with questions.
Policy Review
Below is the link to an LCPS Policy currently under Review and entering the feedback stage.The appropriate Committee will review all feedback received at their next regularly scheduled meeting as stated below.
Please review and provide any feedback by November 1, 2023.
Policy 6330, Distribution of Information/Materials and Posting within Schools, on School Grounds, or during School-Sponsored Events (Finance & Operations Committee on November 7, 2023)
Please review and provide any feedback by November 3, 2023.
Policy 8630, Inspection and Review of Education (Student Services Committee on November 16, 2023)
Note: The form only provides feedback and does not guarantee that feedback will be included in the final policy.
As a reminder, all policies up for review by the community can be found here.
School Board Committees will review all feedback as they develop policies for submission to the entire School Board. The authority for final approval of any policy lies solely with the Loudoun County School Board.
Thank you to those who attended the October 16, 2023, Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) meeting. The evening's agenda is on the LEAF website, along with the meeting presentation. The information below is a summary that will assist you as you connect with your respective communities.
Membership Update
LEAF Membership is at 69% - 65 of the 98 schools have board/soon-to-be board-approved representatives
School Board Update - Ms. Erika Ogedegbe: School Board Member, Leesburg District
The school board approved a 2% salary increase for staff in 2024 due to state funding received. Staff will forward the update to the Board of Supervisors for their approval.
CIP funds update - improvements mainly include at parking lots
Intramural sports are being piloted at four middle schools - starting in fall 2023
LCPS moved up to #4 in Niche - one of the best Divisions in VA 2024
Presentation: Office of the Ombuds - Carey Williams, Ombuds
What is the Office of the Ombuds?
The Ombuds is a confidential, independent, impartial and informal resource that serves families, employees, and the LCPS community to explore and assist with options to help resolve concerns, conflicts, or problematic issues arising within LCPS.
When to contact the Ombuds
In need of assistance with resolving an issue that impacts student success or the school/work environment
Need help to understand an LCPS process or where to go for assistance
Wanting an impartial resource, thought partner, sounding board or coach to assist with navigating a concern
How to with the Ombuds?
Visit here for more information Fill out the form under Contacting the Ombuds or
E-mail; or
Call 571-252-2447; or
Contact the school's family liaison to share you would like to speak to the Ombuds and ask them to reach out to the Office of the Ombuds. Let them know if an interpreter is needed and in what language.
Information that will be shared with the board at an upcoming board meeting on October 24, 2023:
207 contacts were made during the 2022-23 school year. Of the 207 contacts, 184 are categorized as complete cases, while 23 are categorized as quick inquiries. 207 contacts were made during the 2022-23 school year. Of the 207 contacts, 184 are categorized as complete cases, while 23 are categorized as quick inquiries.
The most common action taken by the ombuds includes providing information and referring the visitor to the appropriate office, listening to the issue or concern and discussing possible options, and on twenty-four occasions, the ombuds raised the matter to the appropriate staff member on behalf of the visitor. Most cases are closed out in 1-5 business days depending on the complexity of the case and the need for follow-up meetings.
Presentation: Special Programs - Kathryn Clark, Supervisor of Special Programs and team
Health and Medical Science Academy (HAMSci) is a new program for grade 8 students preparing for their high school journey. This unique program prepares students for careers in the rapidly evolving health and medical sciences fields. HAMSci's design provides students with multiple pathways to success as they graduate high school. The Academy will focus on delivering health science literacy to students paired with a curriculum that develops critical thinking skills along with giving them opportunities to acquire industry credentials to prepare students for in-demand highly skilled healthcare workforce careers
2023-2024 Focus: Grade 8 students as they prepare for high school
HAMSci will launch in schools during the 2024-2024 school year: Briar Woods High School and Tuscarora High School
HAMSci will be fully implemented by SY 27-28 when the first cohort of HAMSci will be the Seniors at either Briar Woods High School or Tuscarora High School.
Pathway Option 1: Biomedical Sciences Pathway - a rigorous, deeper learning-centered curriculum with four years of specialized classes in the Biomedical Sciences.
Pathway Option 2: Biomedical Sciences Pathway - blends a rigorous, deeper learning-based curriculum that blends two years of Biomedical Sciences and two years of specialized Language of Medicine classes, which offers insight into administrative and management practices
Both pathways will provide students with work-based learning opportunities. These will include mentorship in grade and service-based learning in grade 10. Students will also get clinical experience, which will be in the form of externships and internships in their junior and senior years of HAMSci
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Heritage and Loudoun Valley High Schools are candidate schools* for the Diploma Programme. These schools are pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that is important for our students.* Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer the Diploma Programme (DP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
Pending authorization, opportunities for students in grades 11 beginning in 2024-2025
Pending authorization, the International Baccalaureate Program will be fully active 2025-2026 with a First class of IB Diploma candidates.
Two opportunities for students
Diploma Candidate: Candidates take six (6) two-year IB courses
Course Candidate: Complete 1 to 5 courses; students who complete an IB class can take exams for individual subject certificates
Information Meetings happening in November and December
The Naval Junior Reserve Training Corps (NJROTC): The Loudoun County High School program focuses on order, precision, self-discipline, respect for authority, ethical behavior, patriotism, service, and citizenship and is designed to prepare students for success in life, regardless of their plans.
Open to Loudoun County 8th-grade students (public, private, and homeschooled)
Students admitted will become full-time Loudoun County HS students for four (4) years
All Special Programs Application Highlights:
Application dates: December 1, 2023 through January 31, 2023 in the Student Opportunities Portal
An admissions committee will select students to advance to the next phase of the application process: Interviews
Students will be offered admission after interviews OR will be placed on a waitlist
Dual Language Immersion Program
The Loudoun County Public Schools Dual Language Immersion Program will host Community Information Events throughout the county. Any resident in Loudoun County with an incoming kindergartener may express interest in this program. Dual Language Immersion provides both native English speakers and Spanish-speaking students the opportunity to learn to read, write, and communicate effectively in both English and Spanish while attaining high academic achievement. Each student's primary language continues to be strengthened and augmented while immersed in a second language. This program will empower students to become Bilingual, Biliterate, and Culturally Competent.
To learn more visit our websiteI or join us at one of the upcoming in-person parent/guardian meetings. These meetings are all held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
For more information and the Special Programs mentioned during the meeting
For your reference, the list of anticipated policies that are up for Review during the 2023-2024 school year is available. Review reviews are subject to change.
Have you joined Dr. Spence at one of the community listening sessions he is hosting at LCPS high schools? For more information, visit the community listening website.
Only two members in attendance provided thoughts and feedback for Monday’s Meeting. If you have something to share, please submit your comments by Monday, October 23, 2023.
Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee
What is MSAAC?
The MSAAC General Body Meeting is an opportunity to hear from LCPS administrators in real time about the necessary work happening in the background to help our kids succeed academically and beyond. It is the community's opportunity to ask questions directly to the LCPS administrators that are in attendance.
If you can find the time, please consider attending an MSAAC General Body Meeting.
MSAAC meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the LCPS Administration Building located at 21000 Education Ct., Ashburn, VA 20148 at 7:00 pm.
MSAAC Mission Statement
The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) is dedicated to partnering with Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), parents, and the community to acknowledge and promote the needs of minority students. MSAAC is also dedicated to building a school system that is culturally and socially competent and positioned to provide fair and equitable learning experiences for all students.
My name is Laura Dolan and this is my third year as the BTES representative to the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). I firmly believe that the special education community needs as many advocates as possible and this committee is a force behind us to ensure students with disabilities are receiving the educational experience they deserve.
SEAC Mission: The primary role of the LCPS Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is to advise the School Board on unmet needs of special education students. SEAC focuses on the needs of the entire special education community and therefore, seeks to identify themes and trends, rather than focus on individual issues.
The functions of the local advisory committee shall be as follows:
a. Advise the local school division of needs in the education of children with disabilities;
b. Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities;
c. Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities to the division superintendent for transmission to the local school board;
d. Assist the local school division in interpreting plans to the community for meeting the special needs of children with disabilities for educational services;
e. Review the policies and procedures for the provision of special education and related services prior to submission to the local school board; and
f. Participate in the review of the local school division’s annual plan.
Policy and Compliance Subcommittee: TBA.
Transition Subcommittee: March 23, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Meaningful Inclusion: TBASEAC Business Meetings & Programs
Beginning in October, SEAC Meetings will typically occur the first Wednesday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30p.m., presentations will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by the SEAC Business Meeting at 7:15 p.m. Meetings will be live streamed and held in person at the LCPS Administration Building, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, Virginia 20148."
To access the live stream - please copy and past this link: 12, 2023 - Business Meeting & Subcommittees Work Sessions
The Commonwealth of Virginia is making a significant investment in public education with $418 million dedicated to high dosage academic tutoring, accelerating the expansion of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA), and combatting chronic absenteeism.
On September 14, Governor Youngkin signed HB 6001/SB 6001, which included a significant investment in public education. As noted in the September 14 edition of the Virginia Education Update, this approved budget provides one-time state per pupil funding for the implementation of the Virginia Literacy Act, learning loss, and to combat chronic absenteeism. This amendment increases state funding to school divisions by $418.3 million in fiscal year 2024.