Staff listed below can help parents and students with ParentVUE or StudentVUE questions.
Please view the District ParentVUE pages for Frequently Asked Questions on ParentVUE, StudentVUE and Online Pre-registration, download quick reference guides, view help videos and get information on downloading and using the Mobile Apps (En Español).
Kristen Sharpe at (703) 722-2780
Hoda Nassif (703) 722-2780
Please provide your child's full name and Student ID.
The Grade Report emails from ParentVUE are intended for parents of secondary students; parents of elementary students will not receive these emails. The Elementary standards based grading methods are not viewable on the reports and should not be considered an accurate reflection of a child’s performance in each subject. Elementary student grades may be viewed in ParentVUE at the standards level. Parents can opt out of the email notifications by logging into their ParentVUE account.
Exempt = Student is exempt from an assignment and the assignment will not be included in any grade calculation.
Missing = Student has NOT completed the assignment and the assignment counts as a zero in grade calculations until it is turned in and the grade is entered. The “Missing” comment will display until the assignment is turned in and the grade is entered.
Turned In = The assignment has been turned in, but not yet graded. The assignment is not included in any grade calculation until a grade is entered.
Late-Turned In = The grade given may reflect the fact that the assignment was turned in late.
Absent on Due Date =The student was absent when the assignment was due. If the grade is entered, the grade is included in grade calculation.
Floor Grade = The grade is not reflecting the grade earned, but reflects the practice of "floor" grades.
Grade Revision Pending = Initial grade recorded, waiting on revision from student for final grade. Entered grade is included in grade calculation.
If you haven't yet downloaded the ParentVUE mobile app, it is available for both iOS and Android devices.