Watch DOGs Program
The Watch DOGS (Dads Of Great Students) program is back! This program encourages fathers or father-figures to become a part of the education process in our schools. It also provides positive role models as well as additional academic support and an added safety element to our school environment. We will be welcoming DOGS on Wednesday's and Friday's starting January 5th.
If interested please complete this form:
Volunteer/Mentor Form must be completed and turned in to the front office prior to the scheduled day.
Sample Schedule for the Day:
Arrive no later than 7:00 am
Sign into the office and receive a Watch Dog Dad shirt to wear for the day (please return at end of the school day)
1st role is to assist with the car line welcoming students
Your custom schedule for the day may include:
Spending time in your child/children's class working with students in small groups or individually in reading, writing or math
Provide support in the PE, Music, Art or Library setting
Assisting our cafeteria staff encouraging positive behavior and assisting students
Taking a campus stroll and checking to make sure our school is secure
Joining recess and encouraging good sportsmanship on the playground
Debrief with Mrs. Beers prior to leaving and take a photo with your child(ren)
For more information or to join the BTES Watch DOG program, please email Ginny Beers at