Family Liaison
Community Resources
Community Resources
There are many LCPS, Loudoun County, State of Virginia, Federal and non-profit resources available to provide for virtually any need.
Please feel free to review the resources listed in this section.
Contact the family liaison at any time to confidentially discuss what you may be looking for or to receive help navigating available opportunities and resources.
Loudoun Cares - Referral Helpline
Loudoun Cares
The Loudoun Cares Information and Referral Helpline is a telephone helpline available from 9 AM to 5 PM, M-F, providing information and assistance, in both English and Spanish, about health and human services available to Loudoun County residents.
They can refer you to help if your power is scheduled to be turned off or if you have received an eviction notice, etc.
Free/Reduced Lunch
Need support at school for your child(ren)?
Reach out to LCPS and see if you qualify for the Free/Reduced Lunch program.
Additional Benefits once you are approved:
Loudoun Hunger Relief (LHR)
LHR is a food pantry that provides emergency food and grocery supplies. During your visit, we supply enough food to prepare at least three meals a day for three days for any size family.
If necessary, you may receive this service up to once per week.
How we help:
(703) 777-5911
Dulles South Food Pantry
Need some extra help with food on a weekly and/or monthly basis?
Dulles South Food Pantry is here to help!
For more information please visit:
To make an appointment to shop at the local pantry visit:
If you need extra support on the weekends while the kiddos are home please connect with your Family Liaison, Andrea Stemberger, and ask to be enrolled in BackPack Buddies!
Dulles South Soup Kitchen (DSSK)
At Dulles South Soup Kitchen we believe that no one should go to bed hungry. We offer hot meals to anyone in need, no questions asked. Our focus is in the Dulles South area of Loudoun County, serving residents in Loudoun County.
Call us at (202) 930-3775 to find out more about the different events in the community.
How we help:
Holiday Time Assistance
No matter what holiday you celebrate in November and/or December, BTES is here to help.
Please complete this form to let your Family Liaison know what type of assistance is needed:
Health Services
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
HealthWorks main website
Loudoun Free Clinic
Physical, Occupational and Speech and Language
Blue Ridge Speech and Hearing Center 19456 Deerfield Avenue, Suite 201 Lansdowne, VA 20176
Children’s Speech Therapy Center 44025 Pipeline Plaza, Suite 105 Ashburn, VA 20147
Growing Kids Therapy Center 722 Grant Street, Suite A Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 464-0456
Virginia Vision Therapy Center 10374 Battleview Parkway Manassas, VA 20109
Are you -- or do you know someone who is -- currently homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness?
The Loudoun County Department of Family Services provides information, assistance and referrals to county residents who are experiencing or facing homelessness. The county provides a wide range of services and programs to meet residents' needs.
To access these programs, call Coordinated Entry Services at 703-777-0420 to complete a referral. The Coordinated Entry Services line is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Coordinated Entry is a process designed to quickly identify, assess, refer, and connect people experiencing a housing crisis, such as homelessness, to housing assistance and services.
Hypothermia Prevention Shelter
The Loudoun County Hypothermia Prevention Shelter (previously referred to as the Cold Weather Shelter) typically is open from mid-November through the end of March from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. daily. The shelter is for single adults aged 18 and older in the community who are experiencing a housing crisis resulting in homelessness. The shelter provides a warm indoor sleeping environment, meals, shower facilities, and information on other community resources, such as food, medical care, and employment opportunities.
The Hypothermia Prevention Shelter will be open November 15, 2023 through March 31, 2024. Read details in this news release.
Drop-In Services
The Drop-In Services program provides information on community programs and resources as well as food, laundry facilities, showers, and a computer lab. It provides a safe and dignified place for individuals experiencing homelessness to come to during the day to take care of everyday needs.
Emergency Homeless Shelters
Loudoun County has three emergency shelters. Each shelter is open to residents of Loudoun County and offers tailored programs to help with short-term needs as well as lower the risk of homelessness in the future.
Loudoun Homeless Services Center
19520 Meadowview Court
Leesburg, VA 20175
Phone: 571-258-3033
Serving: Singles and Families
The Good Shepherd Alliance
20684 Ashburn Road
Ashburn, VA 20147
Phone: 703-724-1555
Serving: Families, single women, single mothers
LAWS - Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services
105 E Market Street
Leesburg, VA 20176
Phone: 703-777-6552
Serving: Survivors of domestic or sexual violence who are currently fleeing imminent danger
Homeless Outreach Program
The Homeless Outreach Program connects with any unsheltered individuals and families in the community and coordinate referrals to needed services - including housing search, shelter, help with getting identification documents (ID), employment services, healthcare services and assistance with other supportive services.
Homeless Prevention & Diversion Services
Homeless Prevention and Diversion Services helps to prevent episodes of homelessness for individuals and families at risk of losing their current housing. To be eligible, you must be within 14 days of court ordered eviction . Services include case management, stability planning, and referrals to community organizations as needed. Financial assistance may be provided as a last resort after non-financial assistance have been explored.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing is an intervention that combines indefinite leasing or rental assistance paired with voluntary supportive services. The program assists individuals who have a documented disability and a history of chronic homelessness, or a family in which an adult or child has a documented disability and the family has a history of chronic homelessness. The PSH program differs from other supportive housing programs due to the federally mandated eligibility criteria.
Rapid Re-Housing
Rapid Re-Housing quickly connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may include time-limited financial assistance and targeted supportive services.
Transitional Housing
Transitional Housing programs provide members of the community with decent, safe and sanitary housing while paying a portion of their household income towards rent. This program fosters independent living and self-sufficiency through individualized services. These services help develop self-empowerment, improved employment potential, increased opportunities for economic betterment, strengthened skills in the area of financial planning and family budgeting in addition to attempts to increase educational levels and instill effective home management.