Bullying Prevention
Bullying Prevention Month
During the month of October, we will celebrate National Bullying Prevention Month in many ways. There will be announcements, special assemblies, a parent workshop, and an online course for our faculty to complete. Each week, our teachers will lead a lesson provided by our Counseling Department. All students will receive one lesson per week during class regarding bullying prevention. Counselors will be doing grade level lessons covering specific topics pertaining to bullying. 6th grade will cover the basics: Bully, Victim, Bystander and what to do if they witness bullying. 7th grade will cover Sexual Harassment, and 8th grade will concentrate more on Cyber and Online bullying.
What do I do if I need to report an incident?
Any Dean or Counselor can take the information from you. Please be prepared to provide the names of the alleged victim, bully and any witnesses. We know many students ask their parents not to share their names with us, but it makes it very difficult to take care of the problem without gathering all of the information from all parties involved. We will always try to protect the identity of the person making the report and those involved.
Contact a Dean or Counselor in any of the following ways:
Either you or your child can: email or call us, or your child can stop by our office during the school day.
People who can help
6th Grade
Dean: Email Megan Anderson
6th Grade Counselor: Email Ellen Foley (student last names A-R)
All grades: email Holly Fuhrman (last names S-Z)
7th Grade
Dean: Email Drew Sansonetti
7th Grade Counselor: email Lisa Snevely
All grades: email Holly Fuhrman (last names S-Z)
8th Grade
Dean: Email Shane Lily
8th Grade Counselor: Email Jennifer Nocito
All grades: email Holly Fuhrman (last names S-Z)
JML Bully Prevention Coordinator - Mrs. Amanda Hudson
We can all be reached by calling the main number: 703-722-2660
Keep in mind that school jurisdiction includes bus rides, bus stops and walking home until students reach their front doors.
Bullying Prevention Resources