Personalized Learning

Overview of PL at LCPS

The mission of Loudoun County Public Schools is to empower all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. 

Personalized Learning is dynamically tailoring learning experiences to students’ strengths, needs and/or interests. A PL approach supports PBL and One to the World by encouraging the following:

  1. Access to significant content for students who may have learning gaps

  2. Challenges for students who have shown basic mastery

  3. Relevance for all students as their interests help shape the direction of “meaningful contributions to the world.”

The outcome of learning in LCPS is students who are knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators and contributors.  These traits allow students to make meaningful contributions to the world. 

Click here for more information about Personalized Learning at LCPS. 

Targeted Instruction

Instruction that aligns to specific student needs and learning goals. 

  • Action 1: Flexible grouping based on data for both remediation and enrichment.

  • Action 2: Use of targeted instruction to ensure all students are at least proficient (this may include small group).

  • Action 3: Using data, teachers identify specific student needs and provide instruction to meet those needs.

  • Action 4: Instruction is tied to student interest and student choice.