School Counseling
Welcome to the J. Michael Lunsford Counseling Department!
Our goal is for all students at Lunsford to have a productive and successful academic year. We strive to provide the support and assistance that will allow our students to achieve at the highest level possible.
STOP Bullying- Bully Reporting Form
Please use the email links below if you need any assistance throughout the year;
Ms. Foley: 6th Grade, Last Names A - R
Ms. Snevely: 7th Grade, Last Names A - R
Ms. Nocito: 8th Grade, Last Names A - R
Ms. Fuhrman: All Grades, Last Names S - Z
Middle school students are characterized by rapid physical growth, curiosity about their world and an emerging self-identity. Middle school counselors have an impact on these years by implementing a school counseling program and collaborating with school staff, parents and the community to create a safe, respectful learning environment whereby young adolescents can maximize personal and academic achievement.
Middle school counselors enhance the learning process and promote academic, career and social/emotional development. School counseling programs are essential for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set informed career goals and realize full academic potential to become productive, contributing members of the world community.
Middle school counselors hold a master’s degree and required state certification in school counseling. Maintaining certification includes ongoing professional development to stay current with education reform and challenges facing today’s students. Professional association membership enhances the school counselor’s knowledge and effectiveness.
Attention Users
Our goal is to provide comprehensive information that will help support you and your student. The content of outside links is not controlled by Loudoun County Public Schools and we do not endorse any specific link or confirm that the information is accurate. While school staff review links when they are inserted, the content may change. If you find any linked home page content you consider inappropriate, please bring the matter to the attention of the building principal. Remember that the outside source Web page may link to other pages that have not been reviewed; explore at your own risk.
Mission and Vision Statement
JML School Counseling Vision
The students at J. Michael Lunsford Middle School are high-achieving learners who meet the challenges and responsibilities of their global generation. As 21st century citizens, our students acknowledge and value differences, collaborate with others, and foster positive, compassionate relationships. Our students self-regulate and prioritize while setting goals and organizing tasks. They are lifelong learners who think critically and strive for mastery. They advocate for themselves, while pursuing new opportunities as well as anticipating and overcoming roadblocks. Our students graduate college and career ready and are prepared to make meaningful contributions to the world.
JML School Counseling Mission Statement
The professional school counseling program at J. Michael Lunsford Middle School will provide equal access and opportunity for all students in order that they may identify and achieve their goals in academic and career planning and personal/social development. Professional school counselors will collaborate with the students, administration, teachers, parents, and stakeholders to create a sense of community and an environment of positive exchange. Our data-driven program will create a developmentally appropriate learning environment that celebrates our community’s unique diversity. We will create authentic relationships with our students and families based on mutual respect and honesty. The counseling program, aligned with the ASCA National Standards, will support achievement for all students so that they will become productive members of our global society.