Rising 7th Grade

Curriculum Night Links
Rising 7th Grade Presentation Slides
Question Parking Lot- All questions on this form will be answered via email or phone call by your child's counselor
Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Timeline 2025
January 28th- Teacher Recommendations visible in ParentVUE/StudentVUE
February 11th| 5:00-6:45 | JML Auditorium --- Rising 7th & 8th Grade Curriculum Night and Elective Fair
February 28th- Last day for students to update & submit course plans through SchooLinks
January 28-March 28- Counselors meet one-on-one with every 6th grade student to discuss student's courses for next year, their goals, and approve their course plan
April 1st- Student Course Selections viewable on ParentVUE/StudentVUE
June 13th- Last day students and parents can request changes to their course requests for 7th grade
7th Grade Courses
English 7 (Academic or Honors)
Life Science 7 (Academic or Honors)
History 7 Honors
Math (Math 7, Pre-Algebra, or Algebra 1)*
Family & Consumer Science 7 (semester)
Technology Education (semester)
1 half-block Fine Art Elective (Band 7, Strings 7, Guitar 7, Chorus 7, or Art 7)
1 Full Block Elective**
half-block Resource
*Math Selections are based on the LCPS Math Course Progressions and Teacher Recommendations.
**Options for our 7th graders for their full block elective are: Drama, Intro to Computer Science, Computer Science Foundations, Spanish I, German I, French I (World Languages are high school credit courses, rigorous, and are factored into the student’s high school GPA/transcript).
See the LCPS Program of Studies for detailed course descriptions