Sources of Strength is a student-driven, strength-based, comprehensive wellness and prevention program. This program promotes student mental health by helping students identify and develop protective factors that build their resiliency. It provides messages of hope, help, and strength. These messages are spread through student-led campaigns designed to address the eight pillars of strength: family support, positive friends, mentors, healthy activities, generosity, spirituality, physical health, and mental health.
A dedicated group of staff, called adult advisors, support this program at each school. Adult advisors include teachers, School Resource Officers, and school-based mental health staff - such as school counselors, school social workers, and school psychologists. Student members, called peer leaders, are identified through staff, student, parent, and community recommendations and represent a diverse sample of leaders within each school. Adult Advisors and Peer Leaders are trained annually by a group of nationally certified LCPS staff trainers.
Sources of Strength contacts
Jennifer Nocito, Counselor
Jennifer Poteat, School Social Worker
For more information, please visit this LCPS webpage or the Sources of Strength website.