School Counseling Program

Sterling Elementary School Counseling Program

The School Counselor works with students, parents, teachers, and administrators to help students succeed in school and prepare for meaningful, productive living. The Counseling program is child-centered, developmental, and preventative.  It encourages the students’ academic, social/emotional, and career awareness at each stage of their development.

Classroom Counseling Lessons

Classroom lessons are provided to all students in grades K-5 at Sterling Elementary.  The counselors meets with grades K-2 class every other week for 30 minutes and 3-5 every other week for 45 minutes.  These lessons focus on a variety of topics including character education, understanding of self and others, conflict resolution, bully prevention, decision making, study skills, and career awareness.

Group Counseling

In addition to classroom guidance, small group counseling sessions are offered throughout the year. These groups address a variety of different topics, and may vary from year to year based on students' needs. Some of these topics include self-esteem, anger management, social skills, positive peer interaction, study skills, stress management, changing family situations such as separation/divorce and grief/loss issues regarding the loss of a loved one.  The groups meet weekly for 30 minutes for a period of 6-8 weeks.  Parental permission is required for participation in any group.

Individual Counseling

The counselor also meets with children on an individual basis to address certain needs.  Children may be referred to the counselor by a teacher, consultation, parent or by self-referral.  


The counselor is available for consultation with parents to discuss individual issues which may interfere with a child's academic success in school.  The counselor can provide resources to families for various needs.  

Bully Prevention

Loudoun County Public Schools are implementing a county wide bullying prevention program through second step to teach our students how to identify bullying behavior and appropriate ways to handle bullying.  Sterling Elementary is implementing this program in grades K-5 through counseling lessons and activities. 

Students will learn to Recognize, Report and Refuse Bullying. 


What is Bullying? 

Bullying is hurtful behavior, that is:

  • Repeated (in small amount of time)

  • Intentional

  • Has an imbalance of power 


Students are taught that it is necessary to report bullying when they see it.  Students can identify trusted adults in school they can report to. We always encourage our students to communicate with their parents/ guardians as well. It is reinforced that students should report situations where someone is getting hurt. It is always okay to ask for help. We also encourage our students if they feel they or someone they know could be experiencing bullying, to complete the Sterling Incident/Conflict Report Form located in their classrooms. 


We work with students to use strong respectful words, to let others know that their behavior is hurtful, inappropriate, or unwanted.

Suggested Resources


Kids iKeep Safe

Warning Signs of Bullying

Internet Safety

Stop Bullying

Why Children Bully