Activities and Clubs

All Activities and Clubs

Welcome to the Tuscarora High School Activities Site!

Tuscarora High School hosts numerous academic and recreational clubs and organizations which reflects the interest of our diverse student body.  Clubs are listed below.

If you are interested in starting a club, please complete the new club form in its entirety, along with a signature of your Tuscarora Faculty Sponsor, and return to the Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator in Room 108 (Main Office).  Upon review of the completed form, your request will be forwarded to Mrs. Croft for review and approval.  No clubs may start without this process being completed.

Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator Contact Information:

Approved Tuscarora Club List - Updated 10/11/22 Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator - Email Rian Vanzego

Building Use Forms

Attached are the required forms and important information needed to be sent with your request to Rian Vanzego for THS Building Use.

If you are a Club Sponsor or Staff member requesting space, here is what you need:

 If you a 501(c) 3 organization, group etc. requesting use of the Building or Grounds you will need:

  • Facility Use form - Please list everything you need.  Example: auditorium, dressing room, microphone, podium, tech etc.

  • Special Events Form Special Event ApplicationSpecial Event Application - Must be completed and attached to Facility Use Form.

  • Emergency Closings -Please read.  Your event will be canceled under these terms. 

  • Fees for space - Tech fee are separate and paid at the time of the event to each tech  that is requested at the rate of $25 per hour each. Tech will be required if you need the A/V,  Special lights and effects etc.