Profile of a Graduate
Virginia's 21st Century school reforms centers upon the 5 Cs of Learning:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Learn more on the VDOE Web site and start with an introduction to the Profile of a Graduate and by viewing these short videos on the Virginia Profile of a Graduate Playlist.
The Profile of a Virginia Graduate describes the knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes that students must attain to be successful in college and/or the work force and to be “life ready.”
In developing the profile, the Board of Education determined that a life-ready Virginia graduate must:
Achieve and apply appropriate academic and technical knowledge (content knowledge);
Demonstrate productive workplace skills, qualities, and behaviors (workplace skills);
Build connections and value interactions with others as a responsible and responsive citizen (community engagement and civic responsibility); and
Align knowledge, skills and personal interests with career opportunities (career exploration).
The Profile of a Virginia Graduate provides the framework for the requirements students must meet to earn a Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma (Source