Course Selection
The course selection process for next school year begins at the end of January. This may seem early to select courses, but this information is very important in regards to staffing decisions and course options for next year.
How are courses selected?
Teachers will be evaluating student performance and data to make recommendations for course levels for next year in January.
Teacher recommendations will be populated automatically into StudentVUE.
Please take these teacher recommendations seriously, and encourage your student to have a conversation with his/her teacher if the student does not agree with a teacher’s recommendation.
The core classes will be locked in StudentVUE and can only be changed with the school counselor AFTER the individual academic advising session has been conducted.
Counselors will meet with ALL students individually to review each student’s course selection and discuss them in depth with their Academic Career Plan and post-secondary options.
Please remember this is a process. Please take advantage of the presentations being offered below as we believe these will answer all of your questions regarding course sequencing, class options, and graduation requirements.
Helpful Resources
How to Request a Course Change:
Complete the Course Change Request Form (will become available in the future). If your request can be accommodated, you will see it reflected on your schedule when they are published in August.
Course Curriculum Overview
Rising 9th Grade
Rising 10th-12th Grade
Required Forms
Dual Enrollment - Required information for students taking a DE course at BRHS through Northern Virginia Community College.
Early Release Form - Form must be signed by a parent/guardian via Permission Click. Required for seniors (and juniors enrolled in Marketing Co-Op) to receive administrative approval to leave school early to work, etc.
Teacher Assistant Form - Teacher Assistants are only open to current seniors. It must be during your currently scheduled study hall block (no schedule changes will be made to accommodate TA’s). Only one student per teacher per period is approved. TA’s are assigned on a first come first served basis. The TA form should be returned to the Counseling Office.
Course Applications
English Elective Applications:
Newspaper & Photojournalism Application - Only for students requesting to override the Journalism 1 pre-requisite
Course Selection Override Form - For students who want to take a more advanced level course than what the teacher recommended.