Congratulations to the cast and crew of our 2024 Spring Mus-i-cal, Disney's High School Musical, JR. 

On behalf of the PTO production team, and the Directing production team of this year’s High School Musical, I want to convey how incredibly proud we are of this cast and crew. Our cast and crew totaled 67 students across all grades. The team work, dedication, and passion all paid off this weekend.  Thank you to all the parents, community members, and BRMS staff who supported us through 9 weeks of snow, illness, and scheduling conflicts. We truly appreciate you! 

BRM-Drama Photo

The cast and crew voted to award one of their peers an “Excellence in Leadership Award”, all cast and crew members were eligible and the students defined leadership qualities well in advance of the voting. By a large majority of votes, the following students receive this year’s leadership award: 

Willow Tester (8th grade, Cast)

Cecil Klein (8th grade, Crew)

Congratulations to these very deserving students! 

Interested in the Fall Workshop?

More information will be available soon! Sign-ups begin at the start of school. Our workshop has limited spots for cast and crew (approximately 20 each, depending on the play). Auditions happen during the workshop as part of the learning experience.

The fall workshop is a great place to get familiar with theatre at BRMS and make new friends! 

To learn more, visit our booth during back-to-school night. 

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BRMS Bulldog spirit wear can be purchased here anytime! PURCHASE BRMS THEATRE SPIRIT WEAR HERE

Any questions about BRMS Bulldog Theatre can be sent to Email Drama at BRMS PTO

"Music and the arts make a bridge across this world in ways that nothing else can." - Julie Andrews