SOL Information
Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning (SOL) Resources
English SOL Resources
Grade 8 Writing SOLBlueprint
Grade 8 Writing Prompts
Technology Enhanced Practice Questions
These practice items provide examples of the new content and increased rigor represented by the revised Standards of Learning (SOL) and illustrate the new Technology-Enhanced Item types for the mathematics, reading, science, and writing SOL tests. Technology-Enhanced Items (TEI) require students to indicate their responses in ways other than a multiple-choice format.
Released Tests for practice: (Be sure to wait for the entire test to download)
VDOE releases sample sets of Standards of Learning (SOL) tests that were administered to Virginia public school students during the previous spring test administration. The released tests are not inclusive of all SOL tests administered during the previous year; however, the tests are representative of the content and skills assessed.
Virginia Standards of Learning: Practice sites for Grade 8 (all subjects)
Virginia Standards of Learning - Practice sites for Grade 7 (Language Arts, History and Science)
Virginia Standards of Learning - Practice sites for Grade 6 (all subjects)
VMAST - The VMAST practice items give students the opportunity to use research-based supports and simplifications that have been applied to existing online mathematics items to make them more accessible for students with disabilities. The practice items are samples only. They do not cover all content for the grade level or course, nor do they provide examples of all item types or functionality that may be found in the field test items. (Math and English only. Narration option.
Electronic Practice tests from Pearson Access for Virginia - (Install ePat Launcher program from website for home use.)
6th Grade Portaportal Guest Access - Type in solscience, solss, or solmath into guest access area.
Interactive Quizzes by Tami Maloney, Poquoson City Public Schools
Interactive quizzes for all subject areas and all grade levels, created from VA Dept. of Education SOL Released Test Items. Includes link to Spanish testing items.
Content © 2012 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education; Permission to Use Granted by VDOE; Author of Activity: Tami Maloney; All rights reserved.
Interactive Quizzes by Tami Maloney, Poquoson City Public Schools
Interactive quizzes for all subject areas and all grade levels, created from VA Dept. of Education SOL Released Test Items. Includes link to Spanish testing items.
Content © 2012 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education; Permission to Use Granted by VDOE; Author of Activity: Tami Maloney; All rights reserved.