Tickets for Blue Ridge Middle School Theatre's production of Disney's Frozen Jr. are on sale NOW.
Show Dates & Times: Friday, March 28 at 7:00 PM, Saturday, March 29 at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM, and Sunday, March 30 at 2:00 PM
Purchase tickets by scanning the QR code above or visiting Ticket Link at https://lcps.hometownticketing.com/embed/all .
Two amazing casts; 4 opportunities to see the show! Eighty-seven cast and crew members made up of BRMS students grades 6th - 8th! Come out and show your bulldog pride and support these hard-working students. It promises to be a magical show!
BRMS Bulldog spirit wear can be purchased here anytime! PURCHASE BRMS THEATRE SPIRIT WEAR HERE
Any questions about BRMS Bulldog Theatre can be sent to Email Drama at BRMS PTO
"Music and the arts make a bridge across this world in ways that nothing else can." - Julie Andrews