Military Families
Hello! Harper Park Middle School and Loudoun County Public Schools welcome military families and their students! We are honored to have you join our community. We are committed to the ongoing support with a greater understanding and recognition of the unique attributes of our military-connected students. We also look forward to collaborative communication with the parents and families of our students.
The designated Military Counselor at HPMS is Rawan Tringali, Email Rawan Tringali.
The POC for the county is Morgan Huey School Counseling Services Specialist Email Morgan Huey
Planning Your Arrival
Preparing Your Move from LCPS
If you are preparing for your move from LCPS please contact our Registrar/Attenance Liasion Brenda Siegel, Email Brenda Siegel
Academic Planning for Military Families
Upon registration, parents need to make sure the registrar knows their child is military connected.
Our registrar will then let the grade level counselor know. Each grade level counselor has a list of military connected students in their grade level who can act as peer ambassadors for new military students.
This includes:
meeting the new student on their first day here
providing a school tour and walking them from class to class as well as assisting them throughout the week
Supporting that student at lunch
Letting the new student know they are also military connected
Listed below are some academic options that 8th graders can apply to:
Inerstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children
Information that addresses the educational transition issues of children of military families because of frequent moves.
Special Needs Navigation and Parental Rights
At HPMS, the counselor for all students with an IEP and Special Education is Ashley Harper. Email Ashley Harper
Information on Special Education Procedural Safeguards, Guidance, Regulations and Eligibility Services
Special Education-VDOE
Virginia is one of only a few states in which parental consent is required before (i) and initial eligibility determination or any change in the students eligibility identification: (ii) any revision to the students' IEP; (iii) any partial or complete termination of special education and related services (except for graduation with a standard or advanced diploma); and (iv) the provision of a free appropriate public education to transfer students.
Resources for Military Families