Attendance Procedures
To notify the school of an absence, please use the ParentVUE portal or email Email Attendance. Please do NOT call the John Champe attendance hotline for attendance notifications.
The attendance office is room 1101A (to the left of the main office entrance).
LCPS attendance procedures are governed by school board policy 8120, policy 8140, and regulations 8140.
Student Quick Sign In
StudentVue app.– Please have your student use StudentVue to download his/her student identification QR code. This will help facilitate fast and efficient tardy check in sign.
Student Identification Card– Each student is issued a Student Identification Card. This card has a barcode that will also assist with student morning sign in at the attendance window.
e-hallpass- e-hallpass is used for most passes during the day. Please have the student sign up for text notifications in their student profile within their e-hall pass account to be alerted when a pass is assigned to them.
Attendance Procedures for Parents/Legal Guardians
Attendance Policy (The Common Wealth of Virginia)
The Commonwealth of Virginia has a compulsory attendance law for all students less than 18 years of age. According to School Board Policy (8140), all students have a responsibility to attend all scheduled classes and other assigned activities unless excused by the Principal. Absence from school for any period will result in the loss of learning. Students are required to find out what work has been missed and to make up that work within a reasonable amount of time, regardless of the reason for absence(s).
Parent/Guardian Procedure for Attendance Notifications and Request
Only a parent or legal guardian may contact the school via ParentVue, handwritten letter or email; if a student will be absent, tardy or leaving school early. Students may not submit attendance notifications – including students 18 years of age and older. If the parent/legal guardian has not contacted the school, the Attendance Office will make every effort to contact a parent to verify the absence, tardy or early dismissal. Any absence, tardy or early dismissal not confirmed by a parent/legal guardian will be considered unexcused or invalid.
When contacting the John Champe Attendance Office, please include the following information for your student:
Student name (slowly spell name when calling)
Student ID#
Parent/Legal Guardian Name
Date(s) of attendance notification
Reason for attendance notification (absent/tardy/early dismissal)
Time of early dismissal (no phone calls accepted for early dismissals)
Reasons For Attendance Notification/Requests (Excused)
Attendance notifications and requests for absences, early dismissals and tardies from school are excused with appropriate documentation for the following reasons:
Personal illness
Death in the family
Religious Holidays
School sponsored events
Family Emergency
DMV Appointment (including passport appointment)
Medical or Dental appointments (excused provided student submits medical documentation to the Attendance Office from the doctor’s office )
Court/Judicial appearances (excused provided student submits judicial documentation to the Attendance Office from the court)
Pre-scheduled college/university orientations (excused provided student submits documentation from the college/university)
Military Appointment (excused provided student submits documentation from the military appointment)