Fine Arts
About Fine Arts
The goal of the fine arts department is to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students to engage in creative problem solving and collaboration through a variety of disciplines. It is our purpose to ensure that the experiences students have as a member of the fine arts family at John Champe High School are shaping their success as well-rounded contributors of the global community.
Welcome to Band at John Champe!
Band Courses offered at Champe:
Concert Band 1
Concert Band 2
Concert Band 3
Concert Band 4
Jazz Band
Percussion Ensemble
United Sound
Marching Band
For More Information, check out our Champe Band Website!
Follow Champe Band on our Social Media Accounts!
Have a general question about a course? Check the FAQ below!
Don't see the answer to your question? Use our Google form to ask!
Joining Band
Q1: Can I be in the band program?
A1: Yes! We have so many cources, there is a place for everyone!
Q2: Can I be in the Marching Band?
A2: Yes! We have a very large marching band with a place for anyone with instrumental experience or no experience at all!
Q3: I don't play an instrument, can I join the Marching Band?
A3: YES!! We have a fabulous Color guard! They are a very important visual part of our marching show and anyone is welcome to join!
Instrument Rentals
Q1: I do not own my own instrument, can I rent one from the school?
A1: Contact the band directors for their recommendation!
*ConChords (Bass Chorus)*
*Decibelles (Treble Chorus)*
Bella Voce (Advanced Treble Chorus H)
Champe Singers (Advanced Mixed Chorus H)
Chamber Choir (Small Vocal Ensemble H)

Welcome to Strings at JCHS
String Programs Offered At Champe:
*indicates That No Prerequisite Is Required*
Beginning Orchestra*
Intermediate Orchestra
Advanced Orchestra
Artist Orchestra
Honors Orchestra
Beginning Guitar*
Intermediate Guitar
Advanced Guitar
Artist Guitar
Are you interested in joining our Strings Program?
Do you have any questions or concerns?
Courses Offered:
Theatre 1
Theatre 2
Theatre 3 Honors
Theatre 4 Honors
Musical Theatre Honors
Technical Theatre 1
Technical Theatre 2 Honors
Interested in After School Theatre? Check out our most recent information at
Or email
Visual Arts
Welcome to Visual Art at John Champe!
Are you interested in taking art next year?
Don't know what to take?
Here are the Courses:
Full Year: Semester:
Art I*
Computer Graphics Art II Photography Art III Drawing and Painting Art IV Sculpture AP Studio Art Ceramics
Art courses are offered based on enrollment in the course.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Don't want to take Art I? Or want to try for a higher level?
Then you can submit a portfolio to Mrs. Butler & Mrs. Ebhardt in the spring for review!!
Have a general question about our course? Check the FAQ below!
Don't see the answer to your question? Use our Google form to ask!
Q1: What supplies are needed?
A1: 9"x12" Mixed Media Sketchbook, Wooden #2 Pencil, Large White Eraser and Sharpie Pen Fine Point.
National Art Honor Society
Q1: What are the requirements to join?
A1: One year of high school art with a A- or better GPA in that course.
2022 Youth Art Month Computer Wallpaper
Spruce up your computer desktop with ART!
What is the National Art Honor Society?
Welcome to the National Art Honor Society at John Champe!
What is the National Art Honor Society?
The National Art Honor Society is designed for high school students for the purpose of inspiring and recognizing those students who have shown an outstanding ability in art. This honor society serves as an opportunity for students to organize and participate in a variety of activities in order to promote art both within the school and community.
Who can join?
NAHS is open to sophomores - seniors who have completed at least a year in art in high school. You must also maintain an average of an A- or better in the last art course you took and an overall average of a C+ or higher to remain in good standing with the organization.
When do we meet?
Meetings Are Currently TBD
What are the expectations?
To remain a member of NAHS you must attend all meetings unless you have an excused absence, complete a minimum of 10 art related service hours, and maintain your GPA. You will also need to pay $20 for dues each year.
Still have questions?
Please see either Mrs. Ebhardt or Mrs. Butler in room 1823/1827 or email them at: